Medical term:



mega-; molar1(used with a number designating the strength of the solution relative to one molar, e.g., M/2 or 0.5M for half-molar); molar2; myopia.


median; meter; milli-.


mass; molal.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Symbol for mega-2; morgan; molarity (moles per liter, also written M or m); myopia or myopic; methionine; methionyl; 6-mercaptopurine ribonucleoside in a nucleic acid; L. misce, mix; metal.
2. Symbol for a blood factor.


Symbol for molarity.


Symbol for meter; milli-; minim; mass; magnetic dipole moment; molality.


Symbol for molarity, that is, moles per liter (also written M or M).
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Symbol for:
1. Male.
2. Malignant.
3. Man.
4. Married.
5. Mass.
6. Maximum  .
7. Mega- 106, per SI–International System.
8. Melphalan.
9. Memory  .
10. Mercaptopurine.
11. Mesial–dentistry.
12. Methionine.
13. Midline  .
14. Minimum.
15. Minute–time.
16. Mitochondria.
17. Mitomycin.
18. Molar concentration.
19. Molar–dentistry.
20. Mole–chemistry.
21. Monoclonal  .
22. Monocyte.
23. ovement–neurology.
24. Multipara.
25. Muscle/musculus.
26. Mycoplasma.
27. Myopia.
28. Myosin.


Symbol for:
1. Mass.
2. Median–statistics.
3. Mean of a sample.
4. meta–organic chemistry, benzene ring position.
5. Messenger–RNA.
6. Meter.
7. milli––103, per SI-International System.
8. Molal concentration.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


Abbreviation for molarity.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


Abbreviation for methionine.


Abbreviation for meter.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about M

Q. Dear friends, I am 90 or 85 pounds.Is it because I’m eating too much? Dear friends, I am 90 or 85 pounds and every one at my school always say that I’m skinny but it seems like my tummy is growing a lot faster than my body. Is it because I’m eating too much? Please help! I can cut down on eating, but do I need to???? (I am using my uncles’ user id)

A. I don’t think you need to stop eating Liam, to make yourself feel better, engage in a physical activity like walking, gym, cycling, shuttle, tennis etc. There was a time I thought I was fat then I stopped eating as much, now that I have lost 2stones in 1year everyone says how did you become anorexic.....I regret it badly and now its hard for me to gain that weight again!!!! I am only 16 and when I thought I was fat I believe that was puppy fat and myself, so may be your age matters too.

Q. Hi, I´m bleeding when I pee,suggestions? I´m 42 years old,and I had a lot of pain days ago just like before when I had a kidney stone and now I´m bleeding when I pee but I don´t know if could be a different problem

A. Thanks everybody, I´m taking care of the problem, all of you are very nice, God bless you.

Q. I’m Markel;one of my friends is suffering from depression. I’m Markel; one of my friends is suffering from depression. I forced him to consult a doctor but he refused to go. From his young age he hates meds. I would like to know the treatment mostly doctors prefer?

A. Hello Markell, most of the doctors prefer psychotherapy as the first treatment except in cases where depressive symptoms are so severe and immediate relief is necessary. Meds is usually the second choice, which doctors prefer after a comprehensive and competent trial of psychotherapy. Combined use of medications and psychotherapy is another treatment. Psychotherapy can be effective alternative to the use of medications. So explain this to your friend and take him to your local doctor.

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