Medical term:



An order of gram-negative bacteria containing cells that are bounded by a three-layered membrane but do not possess a true cell wall. The minimal reproductive units are 0.2-0.3 mcm in diameter. Pathogenic and saprophytic species occur. These organisms reproduce through the breaking up of branched filaments into coccoid, filterable elementary bodies. The order includes the so-called pleuropneumonialike organisms , under organism (PPLO).
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


An order of gram-negative bacteria with cells that are bounded by a three-layered membrane but do not possess a true cell wall. Pathogenic and saprophytic species occur. These organisms reproduce through the breaking up of branched filaments into coccoid, filterable elementary bodies. The order includes the so-called pleuropneumonialike organisms (PPLO).
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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