Medical term:


vitamin B complex with vitamin C



(trade name),

Albee with C

(trade name),

Arcobee with C

(trade name),

B-Complex/Vitamin C

(trade name),


(trade name),

Econo B & C

(trade name),


(trade name),

Farbee with Vitamin C

(trade name),

Gen-bee with C

(trade name),

High Potency N-Vites

(trade name),

Nion B Plus C

(trade name),


(trade name),

Sublingual B Total Liquid

(trade name),

Surbex T

(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),

Therapeutic B Complex with C

(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name),

Vita-Bee with C

(trade name) Parenteral,

Key Plex

(trade name),


(trade name),


(trade name)


Therapeutic: vitamins
Pharmacologic: water soluble vitamins
Pregnancy Category: UK


Treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies.


Contain most or all of the B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12) and vitamin C, a diverse group of compounds necessary for normal growth and development that act as coenzymes or catalysts in numerous metabolic processes.

Therapeutic effects

Replacement of vitamins in patients who are deficient or at risk for deficiency.


Absorption: Well absorbed after oral administration. Some absorptive processes require cofactors (B12).
Distribution: Widely distributed; cross the placenta and enter breast milk.
Metabolism and Excretion: Used in various biologic processes. Excess amounts are excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
Half-life: Unknown.

Time/action profile



Contraindicated in: Hypersensitivity to ingredients in preparations (benzyl alcohol, parabens, bisulfites, tartrazine).
Use Cautiously in: Undiagnosed anemias.

Adverse Reactions/Side Effects

In recommended doses, adverse reactions are extremely rare


  • bright-yellow urine


  • anaphylaxis (vitamin B1-thiamine) (life-threatening)
  • allergic reactions to preservatives


Drug-Drug interaction

Large amounts of vitamin B6 may interfere with the beneficial effect of levodopa.


Oral Intravenous (Adults and Children) Amount sufficient to meet RDA for age group.


Tablets, capsules, sublingual liquid: contain vitamins B1 (6–50 mg); B2 (5–50 mg); B3 (20–150 mg); B5 (10–50 mg); B6 (4–50 mg); vitamin B12 (0–1000 mcg); and vitamin C (50–600 mg) per tablet, capsule, or mLOTC
In combination with: folic acid, biotin, chromium, soy protein, brewers yeast, potassium, manganese, and zinc in multivitamin/mineral productsRx, OTC.
Injection: contains vitamin B1 (50 mg), B2 (5 mg), B3 (125 mg), B5 (6 mg), B12 (1000 mcg), and vitamin C (50 mg/mL)

Nursing implications

Nursing assessment

  • Assess patient for signs of vitamin deficiency before and periodically during therapy. Assess nutritional status through 24-hr diet recall. Determine frequency of consumption of vitamin-rich foods. Therapy is limited to periods of high physiologic stress when patient is not able to ingest adequate vitamins orally.
  • Monitor patient for anaphylaxis (wheezing, urticaria, edema); contains thiamine.

Potential Nursing Diagnoses

Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements (Indications)


  • Intravenous Administration
  • Continuous Infusion: Usually administered as part of a large-volume parenteral admixture.
  • Y-Site Compatibility: aminophylline, ampicillin, atropine, betamethasone, caclium gluconate, cefazolin, chlorpromazine, clindamycin, cyanocobalamin, dexamethasone, digoxin, diphenhydramine, dopamine, droperidol, edrophonium, epinephrine, erythromycin, fentanyl, fluorouracil, furosemide, gentamicin, hydralazine, insulin, isoproterenol, lidocaine, magnesium sulfate, methoxamine, minocycline, morphine, norepinephrine, oxacillin, oxytocin, penicillin G, pentazocine, phytonadione, procainamide, prochlorperazine, propranolol, pyridostigmine, scopolamine, sodium bicarbonate, succinylcholine, trimetaphan
  • Y-Site Incompatibility: diazepam, phenytoin

Patient/Family Teaching

  • Encourage patient to comply with diet recommendations of health care professional. Explain that the best source of vitamins is a well-balanced diet with foods from the four basic food groups.

Evaluation/Desired Outcomes

  • Prevention of or decrease in the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies.
Drug Guide, © 2015 Farlex and Partners

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