Medical term:



1. the duration, or the measure of time of the existence of a person or object.
2. to undergo change as a result of passage of time.
developmental age.
achievement age a measure of achievement expressed in terms of the chronologic age of a normal child showing the same degree of attainment.
chronologic age the actual measure of time elapsed since a person's birth.
developmental age
1. age estimated from the degree of anatomical development.
2. in psychology, the age of an individual determined by degree of emotional, mental, anatomical, and physiological maturation.
gestational age see gestational age.
mental age the age level of mental ability of a person as gauged by standard intelligence tests.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The period that has elapsed since birth.
2. One of the periods into which human life is divided, distinguished by physical evolution, equilibrium, and involution; for example, the seven ages of humankind are infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle life, senescence, and senility.
3. To grow old; to gradually develop changes in structure that are not due to preventable disease or trauma and that are associated with decreased functional capacity and an increased probability of death.
4. To artificially induce an appearance that is characteristic of one who has lived long or of a thing that has existed for a long time.
5. In dentistry materials science, the treatment of a material to stabilize or strengthen it by causing a coherent precipitate to form. A coherent precipitate is particle formation caused by clustering of atoms of one type as part of a lattice consisting of more than one atom type.
[F. âge, L. aetas]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


noun The time period elapsed since birth; epoch.
verb To grow old, senesce.


Abbreviation for:
acute gastroenteritis
advanced glycosylation end-product, see there
agarose gel electrophoresis
angle of greatest extension
antigen E
aqueous garlic extract
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Medtalk noun The time period elapsed since birth. See Maternal age effect, Paternal age verbTo grow old, senesce.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. The period elapsed since birth.
2. One of the periods into which human life is divided, distinguished by physical evolution, equilibrium, and involution; e.g., the seven human ages are: infancy, childhood, adolescence, maturity, middle life, senescence, and senility.
3. To grow old; to gradually develop changes in structure that are not due to preventable disease or trauma and that are associated with decreased functional capacity and an increased probability of death.
4. To cause artificially the appearance characteristic of one who has lived long or of a thing that has existed for a long time.
5. To render the bond between a nerve agent and acetylcholinesterase refractory to disruption by an oxime antidote.
[F. âge, L. aetas]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. In dentistry materials-related science, treatment of a material to stabilize or strengthen it by forming a coherent precipitate that is particle formation caused by clustering of atoms of one type as part of a lattice consisting of more than one atom type.
2. One of the periods into which human life is divided.
[F. âge, L. aetas]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about age

Q. I would like to know the best age for pregnancy? Hi I am Deontae; I got married before 1 year. I and my wife planned to have a baby after 3 years. But now she is 25. I would like to know the best age for pregnancy? Which will help us to change our plan?

A. actually there is no best age for pregnancy (as far as i know), but some studies and research had shown that after 35 years old, a pregnancy is categorized as high risk, because there are some abnormalities and labor complication that are tend to happened (statistically) along with the increase of mother's age (such as: down syndrome, genetic disorder, post-partum bleeding, miscarriage, etc.)

so if your wife is now 25, i think you guys still have another 5-10 years to "accomplish" your family plan, hehehe...
Good luck, and stay healthy always..

Q. when is the most common age to get any kind of cancer? is there is such age?

A. no, not really. but i guess the older you get the older something can pop out. the cells are dividing and multiplying all of our life, and cancer can occur because of mutation happened in the cells.

Q. Does eyesight always decrease with age? I am 45 years old and never had glasses. All my friends are starting to wear reading glasses. Should I expect this too?

A. This is what usually happens; your eyesight deteriorates as you get older. Here is a link to a few things you can do in order to protect your eyesight:

More discussions about age
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