Medical term:



Marked by or pertaining to apraxia.
Synonym(s): apractic
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adjective Referring to partial or complete incoordination or inability to manipulate objects, in absence of sensory or motor disease.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Marked by or pertaining to apraxia.
Synonym(s): apractic.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


(a-prak'se-a) [ ¹an- + -praxis + -ia]
1. Inability to perform purposive movements although there is no sensory or motor impairment.
2. Inability to use objects properly. apractic (-prak'tik), adjectiveapraxic (prak'sik), adjective

akinetic apraxia

Inability to carry out spontaneous movements.

amnesic apraxia

Inability to produce a movement on command because the command is forgotten, although the ability to perform the movement is present.

buccofacial apraxia

Inability to use the muscles of the face or mouth (e.g., to whistle a tune or suck liquids through a straw).

constructional apraxia

Inability to draw or construct two- or three-dimensional forms or figures and impairment in the ability to integrate perception into kinesthetic images.

developmental apraxia

A disorder of motor planning and execution occurring in developing children; thought to be due to central nervous system immaturity.

dressing apraxia

Inability to dress due to patient's deficient knowledge of the spatial relations of his or her body.

ideational apraxia

Misuse of objects due to inability to perceive their correct use. Synonym: sensory apraxia

limb apraxia

Inability to use the arms or legs to perform previously learned movements, such as combing one's hair or kicking a ball, despite having normal muscle strength in those body parts.

motor apraxia

Inability to perform movements necessary to use objects properly, although the names and purposes of the objects are known and understood.

sensory apraxia

Ideational apraxia.

verbal apraxia

The inability to form words or speak, despite the ability to use oral and facial muscles to make sounds.

visual-constructional apraxia

The inability to assemble or draw an object after seeing its image or a model of it. This form of apraxia is commonly seen in patients with brain injuries or dementias with parietal lobe lesions.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

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