Medical term:



(bēd) [ME. bede, prayer, prayer bead (on a rosary), bead]
A small spherical object, typically made of glass, plastic, or metal. Beads have numerous uses in health care. They are employed in sterilization equipment and in some diagnostic and therapeutic injections.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners


1. Marked by numerous small rounded projections, often arranged in a row like a string of beads.
2. Applied to a series of noncontinuous bacterial colonies along the line of inoculation in a stab culture.
3. Denoting stained bacteria in which more deeply stained granules occur at regular intervals in the organism.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Marked by numerous small rounded projections, often arranged in a row like a string of beads.
2. Applied to a series of noncontinuous bacterial colonies along the line of inoculation in a stab culture.
3. Denoting stained bacteria in which more deeply stained granules occur at regular intervals in the organism.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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