Medical term:
(brad'ē-arth'rē-ă),A form of dysarthria characterized by an abnormal slowness or deliberation in speech.
Synonym(s): bradyglossia (2) , bradylalia, bradylogia
[brady- + G. arthroō, to utter distinctly, fr. arthron, a joint]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(brad'ē-ahrth'rē-ă)A form of dysarthria characterized by an abnormal slowness or deliberateness of speech.
Synonym(s): bradyglossia (2) , bradylalia, bradylogia.
Synonym(s): bradyglossia (2) , bradylalia, bradylogia.
[brady- + G. arthroō, to utter distinctly, fr. arthron, a joint]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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