Medical term:



a particular instance of a disease or other problem; sometimes used incorrectly to designate the patient with the disease.
case history the collected data concerning an individual, the family, and environment; it includes the medical history and any other information that may be useful in analyzing and diagnosing the case or for instructional or research purposes.
case method a type of nursing care delivery system; see nursing practice.
case mix the groups of patients requiring similar tests, procedures, and resources that are treated at a particular hospital. Case mix is a way to define a hospital's production and has been identified as a major factor in differing costs among hospitals and among individual patients.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


An instance of disease with its attendant circumstances. Compare: patient.
[L. casus, an occurrence]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Abbreviation for:
Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (Medspeak-UK)
Cognitive Assessment Scale for the Elderly
co-ordinated activities, services and encounters
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Neurology A clinical trial–Canadian Activase for Stroke Effectiveness. See Thrombolytic therapy.


Epidemiology A countable instance in the population or study group of a particular disease, health disorder, or condition under investigation; sometimes, an individual with the particular disease. See Reportable case Forensic medicine A civil or criminal action or event. See Ayala case, Detroit case, Helga Wanglie case, Index case, LifeNet case, Newport Hospital case, Pappas case Medtalk A popular term for a person who presents with a particular set of findings. See Good intern case, Great case Vox populi A person who is unique or special, as in “he's a case&rdquo. ;. See Basket case.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. An instance of disease.
2. A box or container.
Compare: patient
[Fr. casse, fr. L. capsa, container]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


An instance of disease with its attendant circumstances.
[L. casus, occurrence]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about case

Q. how do you deal with a mild case of acid reflux

A. You can start with life style changes: if you have symptoms during the night, you can try to elevate the head of your bed. You can try to avoid foods that induce reflux: fatty foods, chocolate, peppermint, and excessive alcohol. Cola, red wine, and orange juice are very acidic, so it would be wise to avoid them too, In addition to these, you can try to use a diary to reveal which kind of food causes symptoms and avoid it.

Try to refrain from lying down immediately after a meal, or eating just before bedtime. Overweight is a risk factor for reflux, so if it's relevant weight reduction is also recommended.

If you feel heartburn, you may chew in order to increase salivation and thus alleviate the symptoms. Smoking has a negative effect on salivation, so smoking cessation is also recommended.

And that's before we even mentioned OTC drugs...

Q. Are medications always needed in a case of insomnia? I've been suffering from insomnia for about a month now- for the first time in my life though. It did start in a few hard days in which I had a lot on my mind. Back then I thought I just have to wait for those issues to be solved and over and I'd be sleeping like a beauty. Guess what- I still find myself lying in bed for hours every night and waking up in the middle of the night after I finally fall asleep. Is there a way to help me sleep without starting to take all kinds of chemicals??

A. I know how frustrating this is! I got this from a Biopsych text:

"Many cases of insomnia are...physician created--in large part because sleeping pills, which are usually prescribed by physicians, are a major cause of insomnia. At first...drugs are effective in increasing sleep, but soon the patient is trapped in a rising spiral as tolerance to the drug develops.
"In one study insomniacs claimed to take an average of 1 hour to fall asleep and to sleep an average of only 4.5 hours per night; but when they were tested in a sleep lab they were found to have an average sleep latency of only 15 minutes and an average nightly sleep duration of 6.5 hours.
"One of the most effective sleep restriction therapy. First, the amount of time spent in bed is substantially reduced. Then after a period of sleep restriction, time is gradually increased as long as sleep latency remains in a normal range. Even sever insomnia often benefit from this treatment"(Pinel,

Q. is it true that nowadays there are many more cases of autism than there were 50 years ago?

A. I'm not sure that autism is more common today but rather it's diagnosed better - the diagnosis isn't trivial, and in the past many times autistic children were diagnosed as suffering from childhood schizophrenia or other diseases.

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