Medical term:



1. The process of boiling.
2. The pharmacopeial name for preparations made by boiling crude vegetable drugs, and then straining, in the proportion of 50 g of the drug to 1000 mL of water.
Synonym(s): apozem, apozema
[L. decoctio, fr. de-coquo, pp. -coctus, to boil down]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Alternative medicine
A herbal medicine preparation in which the substrate (e.g., cinnamon bark, ginger root, nuts, seeds or coarse leaves) is hard or ligneous, making its extraction difficult; decoctions require grinding or pulverisation and then boiling to extract the volatile oil or substance of interest. 

Chinese medicine
A preparation of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in which the dried herbs are placed in water, boiled until the volume is markedly reduced, and the dregs strained off; it results in virtually complete extraction of the herb’s essence and medicinal potential, as well as rapid absorption and onset of action.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The process of boiling.
2. The pharmacopeial name for preparations made by boiling crude vegetable drugs, and then straining, in the proportion of 50 g of the drug to 1000 mL of water.
Synonym(s): apozem, apozema.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. The process of boiling.
2. The pharmacopeial name for preparations made by boiling crude vegetable drugs, and then straining them, in the proportion of 50 g of the drug to 1000 mL of water.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

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