Medical term:
[pe´nis]the external male organ of urination and copulation.
The body of the penis consists of three cylindrical-shaped masses of erectile tissue which run the length of the penis. Two of the masses lie alongside each other and end behind the head of the penis. The third mass lies underneath them. This latter mass contains the urethra. The penis terminates in an oval or cone-shaped body, the glans penis, which contains the exterior opening of the urethra.
The glans penis is covered by a loose skin, the foreskin or prepuce, which enables it to expand freely during erection. The skin ends just behind the glans penis and folds forward to cover it. The inner surface of the foreskin contains glands that secrete a lubricating fluid called smegma which makes it easy for the penis to expand and retract past the foreskin.
The body of the penis consists of three cylindrical-shaped masses of erectile tissue which run the length of the penis. Two of the masses lie alongside each other and end behind the head of the penis. The third mass lies underneath them. This latter mass contains the urethra. The penis terminates in an oval or cone-shaped body, the glans penis, which contains the exterior opening of the urethra.
The glans penis is covered by a loose skin, the foreskin or prepuce, which enables it to expand freely during erection. The skin ends just behind the glans penis and folds forward to cover it. The inner surface of the foreskin contains glands that secrete a lubricating fluid called smegma which makes it easy for the penis to expand and retract past the foreskin.
buried penis concealed penis.
clubbed penis penile curvature.
concealed penis a small penis concealed beneath a fat pad or the skin of the scrotum, abdomen, or thigh; called also buried penis.
double penis diphallus.
webbed penis a penis enclosed by the skin of the scrotum.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(dī-fal'ŭs),A rare congenital anomaly in which the penis is partly or completely duplicated; may be laterally symmetric, or placed one above the other; often there are associated urogenital or other anomalies; occurs when two genital tubercles develop. May also be associated with exstrophy of the urinary bladder and splitting of the genital tubercle.
Synonym(s): bifid penis
[G. di-, two, + phallos, penis]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Associated anomalies Hypospadias, bifid scrotum, duplicated bladder
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
(dī-fal'ŭs)Congenital duplication, partial or complete, of the penis. May also be associated with exstrophy of the urinary bladder.
[G. di-, two, + phallos, penis]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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