Medical term:
(dŭk'shŭn),1. The act of leading, bringing, conducting.
2. In ophthalmology, ocular rotations with reference to one eye; usually additionally designating direction of movement of the eye; for example, rotation toward the nose, adduction; toward the temple, abduction; upward, supra- or sursumduction; downward, deorsumduction; of the upper pole of one cornea, cycloduction; of the upper pole of one cornea outward, excycloduction; of the upper pole of one cornea inward, incycloduction.
[L. duco, to lead]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(dŭk'shŭn)1. The act of leading, bringing, conducting.
2. In ophthalmology, ocular rotations with reference to one eye; usually additionally designating direction of movement of the eye.
[L. duco, to lead]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
1. Movement of one eye alone as in abduction, adduction, depression, elevation, etc. 2. Disjunctive binocular movements (although it is more correct to call these movements vergences). See dextroduction; laevoduction; disjunctive eye movements.
binocular duction refers to the maximum vergence powers that can be exerted while maintaining single binocular vision through prisms, either in the base-in or base-out direction. Binocular ductions are measured from the passive position (or phoria position) to the break point.
binocular duction refers to the maximum vergence powers that can be exerted while maintaining single binocular vision through prisms, either in the base-in or base-out direction. Binocular ductions are measured from the passive position (or phoria position) to the break point.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann
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