Medical term:



(ē-nam'ĕl), [TA]
The hard, glistening substance covering the coronal dentin of the tooth. In its mature form, it is composed of an inorganic portion made up of 90% hydroxyapatite and between 6% calcium carbonate, calcium fluoride, and magnesium carbonate, the remainder (4%) being an organic matrix of protein and glycoprotein.
Synonym(s): enamelum [TA], substantia adamantina, substantia vitrea
[M.E., fr. Fr. enamailer, to apply enamel, fr. en, on, + amail, enamel, fr. Germanic]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(ĕ-nam'ĕl) [TA]
The hard, acellular, inert substance covering the tooth. In its mature form, it is composed of an inorganic portion made up of 90% hydroxyapatite and 6-8% calcium carbonate, calcium fluoride, and magnesium carbonate, the remainder consisting of an organic matrix of protein and glycoprotein; structurally, it is made up of oriented rods each of which consists of a stack of rodlets encased in an organic prism sheath.
[M.E., fr. Fr. enamailer, to apply enamel, fr. en, on, + amail, enamel, fr. Germanic]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


(ĕ-nam'ĕl) [TA]
Hard, glistening substance covering coronal dentin of tooth. In its mature form, composed of an inorganic portion made up of 90% hydroxyapatite and about 6% calcium carbonate, calcium fluoride, and magnesium carbonate, with the remainder (4%) being an organic matrix of protein and glycoprotein.
Synonym(s): enamelum [TA] .
[M.E., fr. Fr. enamailer, to apply enamel, fr. en, on, + amail, enamel, fr. Germanic]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

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