Medical term:



A more or less central body in the vesicular nucleus of certain Feulgen-negative (DNA-) protozoa (for example, trypanosomes, parasitic amebae, and phytoflagellates), with the chromatin (DNA+) lying between the nuclear membrane and the endosome. Compare: nucleolus.
[endo- + G. sōma, body]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A more or less central body in the vesicular nucleus of certain Feulgen-negative protozoa (e.g., trypanosomes, parasitic amebae, and phytoflagellates), with the chromatin lying between the nuclear membrane and the endosome.
[endo- + G. sōma, body]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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