Medical term:



an increase in size; see also hypertrophy.
image enlargement an increase in the size of an x-ray image that is affected by the focal film distance as well as the object film distance.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(en-larj'ment), [TA]
1. An increase in size; an anatomic swelling or prominence.
2. An intumescence or swelling.
Synonym(s): intumescentia [TA], intumescence (1)
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(en-lahrj'mĕnt) [TA]
1. An increase in size; an anatomic swelling or prominence.
2. An intumescence or swelling.
Synonym(s): intumescence (1) , intumescentia.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Term commonly used in low vision practice to refer to an increase in the size of the retinal image seen by the patient. It can be expressed as the enlargement ratio (ER). See lateral magnification; equivalent viewing power.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann


(en-lahrj'mĕnt) [TA]
An increase in size; anatomic swelling or prominence.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about enlargement

Q. is it possible to enlarge my penis?

A. sexual organs come in all sizes,if you were born with i small organ thats the way it is,it dont matter how big or small it is -it how you use it---mrfoot56

Q. Why does Aortic stenosis causes an enlarged heart? My father was recently diagnosed as suffering from enlarged heart due to his Aortic stenosis. what is the connection between those to conditions? As far as I understand that aortic stenosis mean that the aortic valve is too small not too large...

A. there are several explanations for the enlargement of the heart that occurs due to Aortic stenosis. the most reasonable is that the mechanical power that the heart uses makes it bigger. it easy to see it here:
this is called Left Ventricular Hypertrophy or LVH in abbreviations.
this is a classic LVH E.C.G.

Q. Can gastric problems cause your heart to be enlarged? I am eighteen and my left side of my heart and lung is enlarged. I have done multiple tests to understand why they are enlarged my tests revealed no information, I do not even have asthma. My doctor suggested that I just need to hydrate alot. I have gastric problems everytime I eat even if it is little. Does my gastric problems such a "bubbly feeling" in my stomach and heart burn is affecting my heart size?

A. HI--i am not a DR put because i worked in a hosp as a therapist--the digestive system an the circulatory system are not connected. I suggest to you to change your diet(the things you eat-like pizza an other spicie foods-thy to eat 4hrs before you lay down-eat smaller portions-some times common sence about what you eat will do the trick---good luck-mrfoot56.

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