Medical term:



(pro-se'jur) [Fr. procédure, ult. fr. L. procedere, to go forward]
A particular way of accomplishing a desired result.

Blalock-Hanlon procedure

See: Blalock-Hanlon procedure

Burch procedure

See: Burch procedure

Chamberlain procedure

See: Chamberlain procedure

commando procedure

A surgical procedure for cancers of the head and neck in which the entire tumor, neighboring lymph nodes, and a portion of the mandible are removed.

ex-utero-intrapartum procedure

Abbreviation: EXIT
A modification of a cesarean delivery, in which after delivery the fetus remains attached to the umbilical cord until its airway is securely intubated. The EXIT procedure is used during those assisted births in which severe airway obstruction or respiratory insufficiency is suspected.

Fontan procedure

See: Fontan procedure

Hartmann procedure

See: Hartmann procedure

Heller procedure

See: Heller procedure

invasive procedure

A procedure in which the body is penetrated or entered, e.g., by a tube, needle, or ionizing radiation.

Kasai procedure

See: Kasai procedure

Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure

See: Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure

MAZE procedure

A surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation, in which the right and left pulmonary veins are isolated and the left atrial appendix is surgically removed. Incisions are made to disrupt the irregular fibrillatory flow of electricity through the atrium, constructing a path shaped like a labyrinth, which directs energy solely from the sinoatrial node to the atrioventricular node. The procedure is often performed during other heart surgeries, e.g., coronary artery bypass grafting.

Mitrofanoff procedure

See: Mitrofanoff procedure

Mustard procedure

See: Mustard procedure

platelet neutralization procedure

Abbreviation: PNP
A laboratory test to determine the presence of a lupus anticoagulant in a blood sample. The test is performed by adding platelet membranes to a plasma sample having a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT). The normalization of the APTT after the addition of the platelet membranes suggests the presence of the anticoagulant.

Puestow procedure

See: Puestow procedure

Rashkind procedure

See: Rashkind procedure

Ross procedure

See: Ross procedure

staged procedure

Any operation undertaken in two or more separate parts, with a lull between the two stages to facilitate tissue healing or clearance of infection.

Toupet procedure

See: Toupet procedure

ex-utero-intrapartum procedure

Abbreviation: EXIT
A modification of a cesarean delivery, in which after delivery the fetus remains attached to the umbilical cord until its airway is securely intubated. The EXIT procedure is used during those assisted births in which severe airway obstruction or respiratory insufficiency is suspected.
See also: procedure
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT)

A cesarean section in which the infant is removed from the uterus but the umbilical cord is not cut until after surgery for a congenital defect that blocks an air passage.
Mentioned in: Prenatal Surgery
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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