Medical term:



1. In psychometrics, a statistical term used to denote the extent of variance of a person's total score or response that is attributable to a presumed genetic component, in contrast to an acquired component.
2. In genetics, a statistical term used to denote the proportion of phenotypic variance due to variance in genotypes that is genetically determined, denoted by the traditional symbol h2.
[see heredity]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Genetics The likelihood of suffering from a hereditary disease when the defective gene is in a person's gene pool. See Additive genetic variance, Genetic variance, Phenotypic variance, Population.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. psychometrics A statistical term used to denote the extent of variance of a subject's total score or response that is attributable to a presumed genetic component, in contrast to an acquired component.
2. genetics A statistical term used to denote the proportion of phenotypic variance due to variance in genotypes that is genetically determined, denoted by the traditional symbol h2.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

heritability (h2)

the proportion of all phenotypic variance in a population that is due to genetic differences and which can be assessed in terms of two main ways, BROAD-SENSE HERITABILITY and NARROW-SENSE HERITABILITY. Heritability is thus a general measure of genetic variation without which SELECTION (both natural and artificial) could not proceed, and is used widely by plant and animal breeders to predict the likely effect of selection. For example, if heritability values for a character are low this indicates high environmental variability, and suggests that the response to selection would not be very rapid.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


In genetics, a statistical term used to denote the proportion of phenotypic variance due to variance in genotypes that is genetically determined, denoted by the traditional symbol h2.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about heritability

Q. Is Autism hereditary? My 3 year old son has been diagnosed with autism last year. I am now pregnant with my second child and am scared that he will too have autism.

A. There is a higher chance that your additional children will have autism too, however its not a given. Be more alert and notice any early signs that your child may develop.

Q. Is Leukemia hereditary? My Grandpa died of Leukemia when he was 50. I am worried that it might be hereditary. Is it?

A. Overall leukemia is not hereditary but there are rare reports of family clusters, that is, more than one case in a family. Therefore, you should consult your Doctor and tell him about your family's medical history.

Q. Is migraine hereditary? If both my parents suffer from migraines does it mean I can't avoid it?

A. Yes, migraines do have a very strong genetic correlation. However, it does not mean that if both your parents have it, you will have it too for 100%. It means only that you have a much higher risk than the regular population, that does not have migraines in their family, to suffer from this condition.

More discussions about heritability
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