Medical term:



a highly addictive narcotic derived from morphine. Because of its vulnerability to abuse, its medicinal use and sale are prohibited in the United States and many other countries. (See drug abuse.) Called also diacetylmorphine.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

her·o·in (H),

An alkaloid, prepared from morphine by acetylation; rapidly metabolized to morphine in the body; formerly used for the relief of cough. Except for research, its use in the U.S. is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse.
Synonym(s): diacetylmorphine, diamorphine
[trade name (it was marketed as the "heroine" of analgesic drugs)]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A highly addictive semisynthetic opioid synthesised from morphine, which is associated with myriad pathologies from different organ systems.

Pharmacologic effects
Blocks severe, constant pain; suppresses cough; respiratory sedative.
Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis, especially affecting the right side and the tricuspid valve.
GI tract

Chronic, nonspecific portal triaditis, chronic active hepatitis with septal fibrosis, piecemeal necrosis, lobular inflammation, chronic persistent hepatitis and nonspecific hepatitis—liver hepatitis HBV, HCV, HDV.

Aspiration pneumonia; pulmonary oedema due to direct heroin toxicity, affecting pulmonary capillaries or myocardium; hypoxic endothelial damage; congestive heart failure; central vasomotor effect (increased protein in oedema fluid); talc granulomas; increased risk of tuberculosis.

Track marks, circular scars with necrotic ulcers.

Street terms
Alquitran, alquitranat, antifreeze, aries, beast, Belushi, big H, black tar, blanca, blanco, bombido, bonita, boy, bozo, brea, broja, brown, brown sugar, caballo, caca, calbo, carga, chapopote, chatarra, chicle, China White (white heroin or fentanyl), chiva, cotics, crank, crap, cura, dirt, DOA, dope, Dr Feelgood, dust, dynamite, dyno, el diablo, estuffa, ferry dust, furra, gallup, gato, george, girl, glass, gold, golpe, goma, good, good horse, H, H&C, HRN, hache, hard, harry, hazel, heaven, henry, hera, heroina, hombre, horsebite, jeeJee, joharito, joy, junco, junk, karachi, la buena, Mayo, Mexican, mudmurotugora, nanoo, perica, perico, piedra, polvo, poppy, powder, quill, ready rock, red, shit, shoot, shoot-up, skag, skid, smack, spoon, stuff, TNT tar, tecata, tigre, tigre de blanco, tigre de Norte, tongs, vidrio, white, wings, witch, zoquete.

Related Terms
Agua de change—liquid heroin administered nasally.
Bindle—a small packet of drug powder (e.g., heroin).
Chasing the dragon or chasing the tiger—to smoke heroin.
Coffee—brown heroin.
Nose drops—liquefied heroin.
P-dope—20–30% pure heroin.
Punk rocker—heroin mixed with cocaine, crack, MDMA (ecstasy), or with LSD and marijuana.
Shabanging—heroin dissolved in liquid and taken through the nose using a nasal spray bottle.
Using monkey water—shabanging heroin/cocaine, diacetylmorphine/cocaine.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Diacetyl morphine Substance abuse A semisynthetic narcotic Pharmacologic effects Blocks severe, constant pain, ↓ cough; respiratory sedative Cardiovascular S aureus endocarditis, especially right-sided and tricuspid valve Liver Hepatitis–HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV Lungs Pulmonary edema, due to direct heroin toxicity to capillaries or myocardium, hypoxic endothelial damage, CHF, central vasomotor effect–↑ protein in edema Skin Track marks, circular scars with necrotic ulcers. See Brown heroin, Opium.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(H) (her'ō-in)
An alkaloid prepared from morphine by acetylation; formerly used for the relief of cough. Except for research, its use in the United States is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


a white crystalline powder, manufactured from morphine, used as a sedative and narcotic in the hydrochloride form.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


An alkaloid, prepared from morphine by acetylation. Except for research, use in U.S. is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about heroin

Q. What are the effects of heroin addiction? I just found out that one of my block mates has been using heroin to keep her up all night just so she can study for our exams. But I don't think it's doing her any good. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, but she refused. I would like to help her get out of heroin addiction while she still can.

A. oh one my favorite ones for sure. the up side is nice sleepy time, complete numbing of unwanted emotion & sense of well being. the bad side it's unhealthy. i don't know how much it's the dope or the cut but that shit is hell on the g.i. tract, liver & kidneys. prolonged use over numerous years of time really change the brains factory specs. in other words physical withdrawl hell say two, three, four weeks or so (varies among bodys) but the psychological aspect can be a long suffered challenge to deal with. let's just say in my opinion one would really have to come to an internal & external relationship with life that they decide that their time to go straight & stay straight has arrived. & i mean after the detoxification process mentioned, that the same conviction, the same resolve remains.
now on a happier note "have a good day"! hope i've helped... please review my question & help me too?

Q. What are signs of withdrawl from heroin and their symptoms?

A. heroin; is a opiate(derivative)-the other drugs in this catagory-are-morphine,codeine,heroin,dilaudid,percodan,percocet,demerol,darvon.and overdose wil cause stupor progressing to coma with respiratory depression,pupils become pinpoint and non-reactive-pulmonary edema and atrial fibrillation may ocur,convulsions may ocur also. long term use causes tolerance and physical dependence. suddan withdrawal of the drug produces symtoms such as shivering abdominal cramps, diarrhea,vomiting,sleeplessness,and restlessness. other problems include injection scars,skin abscesses,weight loss,and impotence. infections such as hepatitis-B and AIDS.---mrfoot56

Q. What are helpful tips for getting off heroin cold turky and with out some sort of treatment?

A. HI--WARNING---IF posible you should do it under a DR.s care or in a REHAB--and if you do manage to do it on your own--you still will need to join(NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS)for support.YOU CANNOT STAY SOBER BY YOURSELF.CHECK THIS WEB SIT(in the TO PEOPLE ON LINE-THEY WILL HELP YOU----mrfoot56

More discussions about heroin
This content is provided by iMedix and is subject to iMedix Terms. The Questions and Answers are not endorsed or recommended and are made available by patients, not doctors.


Addiction to heroin.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


(hĕr′ō-ĭn-ĭzm) [ heroin + Gr. -ismos, condition]
An addiction to heroin use.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

Patient discussion about heroinism

Q. What are the effects of heroin addiction? I just found out that one of my block mates has been using heroin to keep her up all night just so she can study for our exams. But I don't think it's doing her any good. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, but she refused. I would like to help her get out of heroin addiction while she still can.

A. oh one my favorite ones for sure. the up side is nice sleepy time, complete numbing of unwanted emotion & sense of well being. the bad side it's unhealthy. i don't know how much it's the dope or the cut but that shit is hell on the g.i. tract, liver & kidneys. prolonged use over numerous years of time really change the brains factory specs. in other words physical withdrawl hell say two, three, four weeks or so (varies among bodys) but the psychological aspect can be a long suffered challenge to deal with. let's just say in my opinion one would really have to come to an internal & external relationship with life that they decide that their time to go straight & stay straight has arrived. & i mean after the detoxification process mentioned, that the same conviction, the same resolve remains.
now on a happier note "have a good day"! hope i've helped... please review my question & help me too?

Q. What are signs of withdrawl from heroin and their symptoms?

A. heroin; is a opiate(derivative)-the other drugs in this catagory-are-morphine,codeine,heroin,dilaudid,percodan,percocet,demerol,darvon.and overdose wil cause stupor progressing to coma with respiratory depression,pupils become pinpoint and non-reactive-pulmonary edema and atrial fibrillation may ocur,convulsions may ocur also. long term use causes tolerance and physical dependence. suddan withdrawal of the drug produces symtoms such as shivering abdominal cramps, diarrhea,vomiting,sleeplessness,and restlessness. other problems include injection scars,skin abscesses,weight loss,and impotence. infections such as hepatitis-B and AIDS.---mrfoot56

Q. What are helpful tips for getting off heroin cold turky and with out some sort of treatment?

A. HI--WARNING---IF posible you should do it under a DR.s care or in a REHAB--and if you do manage to do it on your own--you still will need to join(NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS)for support.YOU CANNOT STAY SOBER BY YOURSELF.CHECK THIS WEB SIT(in the TO PEOPLE ON LINE-THEY WILL HELP YOU----mrfoot56

More discussions about heroinism
This content is provided by iMedix and is subject to iMedix Terms. The Questions and Answers are not endorsed or recommended and are made available by patients, not doctors.

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