Medical term:
(hŏs′pĭ-tl, -pĭt′l)hospital
An institution which is managed, staffed and equipped for providing healthcare services, including inpatient care, surgery, emergent and urgent care, and has facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.While each country differs in the way it classifies hospitals of different sizes and purposes, the accompanying table is useful to understand hospital groupings in the UK.
Hospital classification
Main and subcategories, per Scottish health services
(A) General Hospitals (mainly acute)
1) Teaching hospital—major teaching hospital covering a full range of services and with special units.
2) Large general hospital—general hospital with some teaching units, usually > 250 staffed beds.
3) General hospital—mixed specialist hospital (± maternity units); consultant surgery performed; usually < 250 staffed beds.
4) Children's hospital—large teaching hospital for children covering a range of medicine and surgery.
5) Community hospital—general practitioner hospital (± maternity unit) and visiting consultant clinics; no surgery.
(B) Long Stay Hospitals
6) Large long-stay hospital (> 100 staffed beds)—long-stay geriatric units with geriatrician(s); ± young chronic sick unit.
7) Small long stay hospital (< 100 staffed beds)—long-stay geriatric units with geriatrician(s); ± young chronic sick unit.
8) Long stay/acute hospital—long-stay geriatric units with some medical and surgical services.
9) Long stay/psychiatric hospital—long-stay geriatric units with geriatric psychiatry.
10) Long stay/community hospital—general practitioner hospital with some long stay cases.
11) Geriatric day hospital.
(C) Mental Hospitals
12) Teaching mental illness hospital with major teaching or research units.
13) Large mental illness hospital (> 250 staffed beds) ± teaching element.
14) Mental illness hospital (< 250 staffed beds).
15) Mental illness day hospital.
(D) Psychiatry or Learning Disabilities Hospitals
16) Large learning disabilities hospital (> 150 staffed beds).
17) Small Learning disabilities hospital (< 150 staffed beds).
18) Learning disabilities day hospital.
(E) 19) Maternity Hospitals.
(F) 20) Dental Hospitals.
(G) Others
21) Miscellaneous—hospital in which function and/or costs are not comparable with other hospitals.
22) Dead location—hospital subject to cost but in process of retraction or closure.
23) Shared facility—hospital with beds managed by more than one trust; that part of the hospital not managed by the “parent” trust and with costs not comparable to other hospitals.
(H) Clinics
24) Hospital Clinic.
25) Non-Hospital Clinic.
A place where medical and surgical procedures are perfomed on inpatients. See America's Best Hospitals, American Biologics Hospital, Community hospital, For-profit hospital, Magnet hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital, Not-for-profit hospital, Public hospital, Plan hospital, Rural primary care hospital, 'Safety net' hospital, Single disease hospital, Virtual hospital.hos·pi·tal
(hos'pi-tăl)Patient discussion about hospital
Q. I need to know when do the patient require hospitalization for bipolar? Hello everyone, I need to know when do the patient require hospitalization for bipolar and what are the factors decide on the duration of their stay?
Q. how long is a patient diagnosed with diverticulitis stay in the hospital How long is the observation period a patient diagnosed with diverticulitis
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Q. I absolutely hate hospitals and doctors offices and can't stand them. any advice? I was very accident prone growing up so i have a lot of bad memories from the hospital and doctors offices that affect me today. Every time i get hurt or sick i refuse to go to get checked out and recently i did something to my wrist i was worried that i did something bad to it but i still wouldn't go. I'm better now but i need to get over my fears so i can handle these visits to the doctors or I'm worried something bad could happen in the future. Does anyone have any advice on what i should do?
now you have to figure what to do with them- that a very good situation to be in. all you have to do is choose how you want to overcome your fears. my advise to you is getting a psychologist that specialized in phobias. he can direct you to the next step much better then anyone else. you can also try Biofeedback, a treatment that helps you control your body reactions-
but i would let the psychologist recommend me a kind of therapy..
good luck!
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