Medical term:



1. Something resembling frozen water: ammonia ice.
2. Slang Methamphetamine.
v. iced, icing, ices

ice′less adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Cell biology ICE IL-1 beta-converting enzyme A cysteine protease, the activity of which is critical in the induction of apoptosis mediated by the Fas/APO-1 signal transduction receptor. See ICE-like protein
Immunology Immunocapillary electrophoresisDrug slang A regional street term for any cystallized abuse substance—e.g., cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, smokeable methamphetamine, PCP, MDM
Substance abuse The street name for a smokable, crystalline form of the psychostimulant, d-methamphetamine; IV ice induces an effect similar to IV methamphetamine, and is far more intense than that achieved orally
Complications Pulmonary edema, dilated cardiomyopathy, acute MI, cardiogenic shock, death
Vox populi Diamonds
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Drug slang A street term for any cystallized abuse substance–eg, cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, smokable methamphetamine, PCP, MDM Substance abuse The street name for a smokable, crystalline form of the psychostimulant, d-methamphetamine; IV ice induces an effect similar to IV methamphetamine, and is far more intense than that achieved orally Complications Pulmonary edema, dilated cardiomyopathy, acute MI, cardiogenic shock, death. See 'Designer' drug.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Irido corneal endothelial syndrome; ICE

A type of glaucoma in which cells from the back of the cornea spread over the surface of the iris and tissue that drains the eye, forming adhesions that bind the iris to the cornea.
Mentioned in: Adhesions
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Patient discussion about ice

Q. could i be allergic to ice cream? I've been having stomach aches and diarrhea's lately. and it usually comes after eating ice cream. i love ice cream - it'll be a shame if I'll have to stop eating it...

A. I don't know about being allergic to ice cream, but maybe you are Lactose intolerant? i have the same problem - love ice cream, can't digest it. BUT - don't worry! you don't have to stop eating ice cream! all you have to do is take a pill that contains the enzyme that requires to digest milk half an hour before you eat and it'll be O.K! welcome to the family:)

Q. Do you think the sugar in the ice cream might have caused my fibromyalgia? I have had fibromyalgia for 14 years. For many years I ate lots of ice cream. Recently I have begun breaking out in a rash if I eat anything sweet. Do you know why sugar might cause me to break out? Do you think the sugar in the ice cream might have caused my fibromyalgia?

A. Yes, Even Bryers ice cream makes me hurt. I do much better if I avoid highly processed foods. Some nutritionals that I have found to be highly effective in keeping me pain free are:
cod liver oil
flax seed oil
raw apple cider vinegar

Q. How does ice help a sprained ankle or other injury? While I exercise I often get sprain. I have seen many times that ice is used as a first aid for sprains. How does ice help a sprained ankle or other injury?

A. it does two helpful things- lower the pain (cold can do that) and prevent swelling. the swelling is a body normal reaction that protects the area that was injured. but we would like to avoid it because it'll strain us.

More discussions about ice
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