Medical term:
[in-jek´ted]1. introduced by injection.
2. congested.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(in-jek'tĕd),1. Denoting a fluid introduced into the body.
2. Denoting visible blood vessels distended with blood.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(in-jek'tĕd)1. Denoting a fluid introduced into the body by injection.
2. Denoting a surface with blood vessels that are visibly dilated.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about injected
Q. Why is insulin injected and not taken as a pill?
A. so if that's the case, why can't you use a patch (like a nicotine patch)? wouldn't that do the same trick?
Q. I received a corticosteroid injection in my left knne th A.M. Knee is all stiff & swollen. Is this normal?
A. actually you might have already had an arthritis in your knee before, then your doctor injected you with a corticosteroid into the affected joint. usually you will feel better (less pain) in your affected joint. if the symptoms don't improve then I suggest you to go see your specialist for further advise and treatment.
Q. My arm became limp after flu shot & have had pain in arm. Vaccine itself or improper injection? Any advice? I could not move my arm about 3 hours after the injection. It took about 3 days before I could raise my arm at all. It became painful to use and has bothered me for a couple of months. The doctor gave me a cortisone shot which helped some but not completely. He had never seen this reaction before. Is it a reaction to the vaccine or could it be the way it was injected? Is their anyone who has had or knows of a similar case?
A. I had a flu shot last October, and it was given to me directly on the backside (and up high) of my shoulder. I went to the gym after I received the shot, and now have two tears in my (torn) rotator cuff, with a perforation in my rotator cuff tendon. I think it may have been improperly given. Now I need to have surgery to repair it. Look up your symptoms on webmd, and surf the net. Talk to your doctor too. The only way to find out what is really going on with it is to have an MRI. A simple xray will not reveal a tear in the muscle or tendon in the rotator cuff. If you can't lift your arm, and have trouble sleeping at night, and pain on your deltoid and bicep (rotator cuff injury pain radiates to these areas) because of the pain, then chances are you have an injured rotator cuff. These people giving these immunizations need more training. They are causing serious injury to people that go in to get a shot to stay healthy, and then end up with a serious injury, and possible surgery !!! Goo
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