Medical term:



A substance that alters the force of muscular contraction.
[ino- + G. tropos, a turning, change]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(ē″nŏ″trō′pik, ī″nŏ-) [Gr. inos, fiber + -tropic]
1. Influencing the force of muscular contractility.
2. An agent that influences the force of muscular contraction. inotrope (ē′nŏ-trōp″, ī″nŏ) inotropism (ē″trō′pizm)

negatively inotropic

Pert. to an agent that weakens the force of muscular contraction.

positively inotropic

Pert. to an agent that strengthens the force of muscular contraction.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

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