Medical term:



1. the use of a meaningful pattern of vocal sounds (or corresponding written symbols) to convey thoughts and feelings, or a system of such patterns that is understood by a group of people.
2. by extension, any of various other systems of communication that use sets of discrete symbols.
3. any of numerous sets of standardized vocabulary terms for use among health care providers in a variety of settings allowing comparisons of care across populations, settings, regions, and time. There are over 30 researched standardized health care languages. Called also standardized vocabulary.
body language the expression of thoughts or emotions by means of posture or gesture.
International Sign language a sign language composed of a blending of vocabulary signs from numerous different countries, sometimes used at international meetings and events of deaf persons; formerly called Gestuno.
natural language ordinary language as used by the speakers of that language, as opposed to a language made up for a special purpose (as for use by a computer system).
nursing language any of various sets of standardized terms and definitions for use in nursing to provide standardized descriptions, labels, and definitions for expressing the phenomena of nursing; some include category groupings of terms. The American Nurses Association has recognized twelve official languages.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The use of spoken, manual, written, and other symbols to express, represent, or receive communication.
[L. lingua]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

clinical etiquette

Professional comportment Medical practice The components of medical practice which, in addition to ethics and competence, define what it is to be a physician
Clinical etiquette
Bedside manner Avoid easy familiarity, be attentive of Pts needs, do not eat on rounds
Dress Conservative & appropriate
Grooming Clean, neat, unobtrusive
Language Respectful, at level of audience, non-use of vulgar vernacular or demeaning appellations, discretion regarding others' condition (JAMA 1988; 260:2559)  
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The use of spoken, manual, written, and other symbols to express, represent, or receive communication.
[L. lingua]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Use of spoken, manual, written, and other symbols to express, represent, or receive communication.
[L. lingua]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about language

Q. what is leukemia in lay person language, what causes it, what are the symptomes, and is it cancer

A. Leukemia is cancer of white blood cells. there are about 6-7 types of Leukemia i think...i'll have to check that one out. it basically means a white blood cell got mutated and started to multiply like crazy. causes severe problems. the types defer in which part of maturation it got cancerous. i hope i helped- if you still need more information, just ask! i'm here.

Q. Do I have to speak Chinese to study Chinese medicine? I’m thinking about studying Chinese medicine next year at a local college. Do I have to study Chinese before I start studying? Will it make any difference?

A. The main language of China is Mandarin. Hong Kong is Cantonese. Tawainese people speak (duh) Tawainese and Mandarin. Then you have like hundreds of other dialects from small provinces and island. I speak Mandarin which is the official language. A lot of Chinese People speak more than one dialect.

If I was you, I would go with Mandarin because it is becoming a standard in China. (Although Cantonese is very very popular in NYC, esp in Chinatown)

There are books at Barnes and Nobles that include audio lesson and video lessons, if you don't want to take a class, you can try that.

More discussions about language
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