Medical term:


pal·a·to·pha·ryn·ge·us (mus·cle)

origin, soft palate; forms the posterior pillar of the fauces or tonsillar fossa; insertion, posterior border of thyroid cartilage and aponeurosis of pharynx as it becomes part of the inner longitudinal muscle layer of the pharynx; action, narrows fauces, depresses soft palate, elevates pharynx and larynx; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory nerve).
Synonym(s): musculus palatopharyngeus [TA], musculus pharyngopalatinus, palatopharyngeal (muscle), palatopharyngeus, pharyngopalatinus, pharyngostaphylinus
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(păl″ăt-ō-fă″rĭn′jē-ŭs) [″ + Gr. pharynx, throat]
The muscle arising from thyroid cartilage and pharyngeal wall, extending upward in posterior pillar, and inserting into aponeurosis of soft palate. It constricts the pharyngeal isthmus, raises the larynx, and depresses the soft palate.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

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