Medical term:



(păl′māt′, päl′-, pä′māt′) also


1. Having a shape similar to that of a hand with the fingers extended: palmate antlers; palmate coral.
2. Botany Having three or more veins, leaflets, or lobes radiating from one point; digitate: a palmate leaf.
3. Zoology Having webbing that connects the three front toes, as the feet of many waterbirds.

pal′mate′ly adv.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Palmateclick for a larger image
Fig. 244 Palmate . A palmate leaf.


(of a leaf) having at least three leaflets joined to the PETIOLE at the same place.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005

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