Medical term:


ju·ve·nile per·i·o·don·ti·tis

a degenerative periodontal disease of adolescents in which the periodontal destruction is out of proportion to the local irritating factors present on the adjacent teeth; inflammatory changes become superimposed, and bone loss, migration, and extrusion are observed. Two forms are recognized: localized, in which the destruction is limited to the incisors and first molars; and generalized, involving all the teeth.
Synonym(s): periodontosis
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

ju·ve·nile per·i·o·don·ti·tis

(jū'vĕ-nil per'ē-ō-don-tī'tis)
A degenerative periodontal disease of adolescents in which the periodontal destruction is out of proportion to the local irritating factors present on the adjacent teeth; inflammatory changes become superimposed, and bone loss, migration, and extrusion are observed. Two forms are recognized: 1) localized, in which the destruction is limited to the incisors and first molars; and 2) generalized, involving all of the teeth.
Synonym(s): periodontosis.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

ju·ve·nile per·i·o·don·ti·tis

(jū'vĕ-nil per'ē-ō-don-tī'tis) [MIM*170650]
Degenerative periodontal disease of adolescents in which periodontal destruction is out of proportion to local irritating factors present on adjacent teeth; inflammatory changes become superimposed, and bone loss, migration, and extrusion are observed. Two forms are recognized: localized, in which the destruction is limited to the incisors and first molars; and generalized, involving all teeth.
Synonym(s): localized juvenile periodontitis, periodontosis.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

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