Medical term:



1. a prominence or projection, as from a bone.
2. a series of operations or events leading to achievement of a specific result.
3. to subject to such a series to produce desired changes.
acromial process acromion.
altered family p's former name for the nursing diagnosis interrupted family processes.
alveolar process the part of the bone in either the maxilla or mandible that surrounds and supports the teeth.
basilar process a quadrilateral plate of the occipital bone projecting superiorly and anteriorly from the foramen magnum.
calcaneal process of cuboid bones a process projecting posteriorly from the inferomedial angle of the cuboid bone that supports the anterior calcaneus.
caudate process the right of the two processes on the caudate lobe of the liver.
ciliary p's meridionally arranged ridges or folds projecting from the crown of the ciliary body.
clinoid process any of three processes of the sphenoid bone (anterior, medial, and posterior).
coracoid process a curved process arising from the upper neck of the scapula and overhanging the shoulder joint; called also coracoid.
coronoid process
1. the anterior part of the upper end of the ramus of the mandible.
2. a projection at the proximal end of the ulna.
disturbed thought p's a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as the experiencing by an individual of disruption in cognitive operations and activities; it is related to various mental and personality disorders. Contributing factors include physiologic changes, psychologic conflicts, memory loss, impaired judgment, and sleep deprivation. Defining characteristics include inaccurate interpretation of the environment; cognitive dissonance; distractibility; decreased ability to grasp ideas; impaired ability to make decisions, solve problems, or reason; disorientation to time, place, person, circumstances, or events; and inappropriate or nonreality-based thinking.
dysfunctional family p's: alcoholism a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as psychosocial, spiritual, and physiological functions of the family unit that are chronically disorganized, leading to conflict, denial of problems, resistance to change, ineffective problem solving, and a series of self-perpetuating crises. See also alcoholism.
ensiform process xiphoid process.
ethmoid process a bony projection above and behind the maxillary process of the inferior nasal concha.
family p's the psychosocial, physiological, and spiritual functions and relationships within the family unit; nursing diagnoses include dysfunctional family processes: alcoholism and interrupted family processes.
frontonasal process frontonasal prominence.
interrupted family p's a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a change in family relationships and/or functioning.
malar process zygomatic process of the maxilla.
mammillary process a tubercle on each superior articular process of a lumbar vertebra.
mandibular process mandibular prominence.
mastoid process a conical projection at the base of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone.
maxillary process
1. maxillary prominence.
2. a bony process descending from the ethmoid process of the inferior nasal concha.
nursing process see nursing process.
odontoid process a toothlike projection of the axis that articulates with the atlas.
pterygoid process either of the two processes of the sphenoid bone, descending from the points of junction of the great wings and the body of the bone, and each consisting of a lateral and a medial plate.
spinous process of vertebra a part of a vertebra projecting backward from the arch, giving attachment to muscles of the back.
styloid process a long, pointed projection, particularly a long spine projecting downward from the inferior surface of the temporal bone.
temporal process the posterior blunt process of the zygomatic bone that articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to form the zygomatic arch.
uncinate process any hooklike process, as of vertebrae, the lacrimal bone, or the pancreas.
xiphoid process the pointed process of cartilage, supported by a core of bone, connected with the lower end of the sternum; called also xiphoid.
The xiphoid process. Redrawn from Applegate, 1995.
zygomatic process a projection in three parts, from the frontal bone, temporal bone, and maxilla, by which they articulate with the zygomatic bone (see Appendix 3-3).
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(prō'ses, pros'es), Avoid the mispronunciation prŏs'ĕ-sēz of the plural of this word.
1. anatomy a projection or outgrowth. Synonym(s): processus [TA]
2. A method or mode of action used in the attainment of a certain result.
3. An advance, progress, or method, as of a disease.
4. A pathologic condition or disease.
5. dentistry a series of operations that convert a wax pattern, such as that of a denture base, into a solid denture base of another material.
[L. processus, an advance, progress, process, fr. pro-cedo, pp. -cessus, to go forward]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(prŏs′ĕs′, prō′sĕs′)
1. Advance or progress, as of a disease.
2. An outgrowth of tissue; a projecting part, as of a bone.

proc′ess adj.
proc′ess v.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Vox populi A manner of performing a procedure or activity. See Activated sludge process, Bioprocess, Cosmetic suturing process, Cyclodestructive process, Due process, Foot process, Graduation process, Hoffman quadrinity process, Identity process, Inner self-healing process, Markov process, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz process, Mastoid process, Multirule process, Nonspecific anatomic process, Odontoid process, Primary process, Rating process, Sand process, Sauvé-Kapanji process, Secondary process.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. anatomy A projection or outgrowth.
Synonym(s): processus [TA] .
2. A method or mode of action used in the attainment of a certain result.
3. A natural progression, development, or sequence of events, as in the progress of a disease.
See also: processus
4. A pathologic condition or disease.
5. dentistry A series of operations that convert a wax pattern, such as that of a denture base, into a solid denture base of another material.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


(pros'es?) [L. processus, going forwards, an advance]
1. A method of action.
2. The state of progress of a disease.
3. A projection or outgrowth of bone or tissue.
4. A series of steps or events that lead to achievement of specific results.

acromial process


acromion process


alar process

The process of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone that articulates with the frontal bone.

aliform process

Wing of the sphenoid bone.

alveolar process

The portion of the mandible and maxilla containing the tooth sockets. Synonym: alveolar bone

articular process of vertebra

One of four small, flat processes (two superior and two inferior) by which vertebrae articulate with each other.

basilar process

The narrow part of the base of the occipital bone, in front of the foramen magnum, articulating with the sphenoid bone. Synonym: pars basilaris ossis occipitalis

caudate process

The process of the caudate lobe of the liver extending under the right lobe.

ciliary process

One of about 70 prominent meridional ridges projecting from the corona ciliaris of the choroid coat of the eye to which the suspensory ligament of the lens is attached. These have the same structure as the rest of the choroid and secrete aqueous humor, which nourishes neighboring parts, the cornea, and lens.

clinoid process

Any of three pairs of bony processes on the top of the body of the sphenoid bone, overhanging the edges of the sella turcica.

condyloid process

A posterior process on the superior border of the ramus of the mandible consisting of a capitulum and neck. It articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone.
See: mandible for illus

coracoid process

A beak-shaped process extending upward and laterally from the neck of the scapula. The coracoid process is not part of any bone-to-bone articulation although the coracoclavicular ligament holds the clavicle against the acromium of the scapula. The muscles attaching to the coracoid process are the pectoralis major, coracobrachialis, and the short head of the biceps brachii.
See: scapula

coronoid process

1. The process on the proximal end of the ulna that forms the anterior portion of the semilunar notch.
2. The process on the anterior upper end of the ramus of the mandible that serves for attachment of the temporalis muscle.
See: mandible for illus

due process

The standard or customary application of prevailing laws or rules and the protections that follow from their application.

ensiform process

Xiphoid process.

ethmoidal process

A small process on the superior border of the inferior concha that articulates with the uncinate process of the ethmoid.

falciform process

An extension of the posterior edge of the sacrotuberous ligament to the ramus of the ischium.

frontal process

An upward projection of the maxilla that articulates with the frontal bone; forms part of the orbit and nasal fossa.

frontonasal process

In the area of the primitive mouth of the embryo, a median swelling that is the precursor of the nose, upper lip, and front part of the palate.

frontosphenoidal process

The upward-projecting process of the zygomatic bone.

funicular process

The part of the tunica vaginalis that covers the spermatic cord.

head process

An axial strand of cells in vertebrate embryos extending forward from the primitive knot. It forms a primitive axis about which the embryo differentiates.

horizontal process

The part of the palatine bone that fuses with its counterpart at the midline to form the dorsal extension of the hard palate.

infraorbital process

The medially projecting process of the zygomatic bone that articulates with the maxilla. It forms the inferior lateral margin of orbit.

jugal process

A temporal bone process forming the zygomatic arch.

jugular process

A process of the occipital bone lying lateral to the occipital condyle.

lacrimal process

A short process of the inferior concha that articulates with the lacrimal bone.

lenticular process

A knob on the incus, an auditory ossicle. articulating with the stapes.

malar process

A projection from the maxilla that articulates with the zygomatic bone.

mandibular process

The posterior portion of the first branchial arch from which the lower jaw develops.

mastoid process

A horn-shaped process of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone extending downward and forward behind the external auditory meatus. It serves for attachment of the sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis, and longissimus capitis muscles.

maxillary process

1. The anterior portion of the first branchial arch, which, with medial nasal processes, forms the upper jaw.
2. The process of the inferior nasal concha extending laterally and covering the orifice of the antrum.
3. A process on the anterior border of the perpendicular portion of the palatine bone.

nursing process

See: nursing process
Enlarge picture
ODONTOID PROCESS: articulation of atlas and axis

odontoid process

A toothlike process extending upward from the axis and about which the atlas rotates. Synonym: dens See: illustration

olecranon process


orbicular process

Lenticular process.

orbital process

1. The process at the tip of the perpendicular portion of the palatine bone directed upward and backward.
2. The process of the zygomatic bone that forms the anterior boundary of the temporal fossa.

palatine process

A process extending transversely from the medial surface of the maxilla. With the corresponding process from the other side, it forms the major portion of the hard palate.

postglenoid process

The process of the temporal bone separating the mandibular fossa from the external acoustic meatus.

pterygoid process

The process of the sphenoid bone extending downward from the junction of the body and great wing. It consists of the lateral and medial pterygoid plates, which are fused at the top. The top of the pterygoid process is pierced by the pterygoid canal.

spinous process

The prominence at the posterior part of each vertebra.

spinous process of vertebrae

The posteriormost part of a vertebra. This spine projects back and serves as a point of attachment for muscles of the back.

styloid process

1. A pointed process of the temporal bone, projecting downward, and to which some of the muscles of the tongue are attached.
2. A pointed projection behind the head of the fibula.
3. A protuberance on the outer portion of the distal end of the radius.
4. An ulnar projection on the inner side of the distal end.

transverse process

The process extending laterally and dorsally from the arch of a vertebra.

unciform process

1. Long thin lamina of bone from the orbital plate of the ethmoid articulating with the inferior turbinate.
2. The hook at the anterior end of the hippocampal gyrus.
3. The hooked end of the unciform bone.

uncinate process of the ethmoid bone

A sickle-shaped bony process on the medial wall of the ethmoidal labyrinth below the concha.

vermiform process

Vermiform appendix.

vocal process

The process of the arytenoid cartilage that serves for attachment of the vocal cord.

xiphoid process

The lowest portion of the sternum; a sword-shaped cartilaginous process supported by bone. No ribs attach to the xiphoid process; however, some abdominal muscles are attached. The xiphoid process ossifies in the aged
Synonym: ensiform process; xiphisternum
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners


any method of operation in the manufacture of a substance or bacterium.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


1. In dentistry, series of operations that convert a wax pattern, such as that of a denture base, into a solid denture base of another material.
See: dental curing
2. In anatomy, a projection or outgrowth.
3. A pathologic condition or disease.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about process

Q. how to treat diabetes when in the process of rehab of alcohol? my father, unfortunately is suffering from both- alcoholism and diabetes. I need to find a way to change his life completly, change his daily behaviour to a healthier one. any suggestions?

A. I am not aware of alcoholism. If diabetes is concern i have web site which provides information on alternative treatments such as ayurvedic herbs, homeopathy, yoga and acupressure treatments. Please visit

Q. I had sugery on a fractured heel what is the recovery process? Wanting to meet people who are going thru this now or have already recovered from this injury. What should I expect?

A. Hey doyen_98, I was wondering how the recovery was coming along. How long ago have you had the surgery?

Q. What is the process a general physician would use to diagnose adult ADHD? I'm have an appointment with my primary care physician to be screened for adult ADHD. Does anyone know what he will do in order to test and diagnose me?

A. Actually I was just diagnosed with ADHD. I'm 57. My doctor sent me to a phyciatrist, and he asked me several questions. Gave me a scrip and want to see me back in a month. I answered 26 questions, and he rated on my answers.

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