Medical term:


sal·pin·go·pha·ryn·ge·us (mus·cle)

origin, medial lamina of cartilaginous part of auditory tube; insertion, longitudinal muscular layer of pharynx in association with musculus palatopharyngeus; action, assists in elevating pharynx and, according to some, assists in opening the auditory tube during swallowing; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus.
Synonym(s): musculus salpingopharyngeus [TA], salpingopharyngeal muscle
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


(săl-pĭng″gō-făr-ĭn′jē-ŭs) [″ + pharynx, throat]
The muscle near the opening of the eustachian tube that raises the nasopharynx and also may help open the eustachian tube.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

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