Medical term:



1. the characteristic quality of the male and female reproductive elements.
2. the constitution of an individual in relation to sexual attitudes or activity. This is a broad concept that includes aspects of the physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual makeup of an individual. It is not limited to the physical or biological reproductive elements and behavior, but encompasses the manner in which individuals use their own roles, relationships, values, customs, and gender.
human sexuality in the omaha system, the sexuality of human beings.
infantile sexuality in freudian theory, the erotic life of infants and children, encompassing the oral, anal, and phallic phases of psychosexual development.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The sum of a person's sexual behaviors and tendencies, and the strength of such tendencies.
2. One's degree of sexual attractiveness.
3. The quality of having sexual functions or implications.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. The quality of being sexual, especially sexual orientation and behavior.
2. Sexual activity.
3. The condition of being divided into sexes or of reproducing sexually.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


(1) Human sexuality, variously:
   • Female sexuality;
   • Male sexuality;
   • Gender identity;
   • Child sexuality;
   • Sexual activity;
   • Sexual orientation.
(2) Sex in biology:
   • Animal sexual behaviour;
   • Plant sexuality.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. The human sexual response, which is a function of external cues for heterosexual or homosexual orientation, and ability to produce and respond to gonadotropin-releasing hormone; the personal experience and expression of one's status as male or female, especially vis-á-vis genitalia, pair-bondedness, reproduction; the stimulation, responsiveness, functions of the sex organs, alone or with one or more partners. See Ambiguous sexuality, Bisexuality, Eroticism, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality, Hypersexuality, Transsexuality.
2. Sexual activity, see there.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. The sum of a person's sexual behaviors and tendencies, and the strength of such tendencies.
2. One's degree of sexual attractiveness.
3. The quality of having sexual functions or implications.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. The structural differences between male and female.
2. A person's sexual attitudes, drive, interest or activity.
3. All the emotions, sensations, behaviour patterns and drives connected with reproduction and with the use of the sex organs.
4. (Freudian) all drives connected with bodily satisfaction. See also HETEROSEXUALITY, HOMOSEXUALITY and BISEXUALITY.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


1. Sum of a person's sexual behaviors and tendencies, and strength of such tendencies.
2. One's degree of sexual attractiveness.
3. Quality of having sexual functions or implications.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about sexuality

Q. Something rairly spoken about is sexual disfunctions. Wether it be an inability to perform or being hyper sexual during manic episodes. This situation can be very frusterating for patients as well as partners. Hyper sexuality can lead to cheating followed by depression and sexual disfunction. How have you dealt with these issues?

A. there is one its made by Shunga eroyic art its a herbal drink one bottle is 3 doses and works very well for me. There is a cream for women called orgasmics that is a topical cream that imporves blood flow to the genitals it enhanses sensation and longetivity. For men there are enhansment creams such as stud 100 and similar Shunga herbal drinks. If you go into one of the stores the staff are very helpful and will be able to help you find the best products for you. As far as personal sexual issues I suggest theropy to help you through those issues and be open and honest with your partner to avoid you being triggered unnecessarily. And lots and lots of patience... Spend some time exploring your sexuality with yourself... learn your limits and become comfortable with your own sexuality

Q. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES how many types are there?

A. Gonorrhea, syphillis, Hepatitis B, Human Papilloma Virus, HIV, urethritis..
The rest of the list, I think lixurion had already shared you the link, just read on that link..

Q. Is hepatitis a sexually transmitted disease? I mean hepatitis B and C mainly…

A. yes, hepatitis B is an STD, while hepatitis C is less likely caused by sexual transmitted disease.
hepatitis C usually transmitted through drugs usage and blood transfusion

More discussions about sexuality
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