Medical term:



1. a delimited area.
2. an actual or potential cavity of the body.
3. the areas of the universe beyond the earth and its atmosphere. adj., adj spa´tial.
danger space a subdivision of the retropharyngeal space, extending from the base of the skull to the level of the diaphragm; so called because it provides a route by which infection of the pharynx can spread to the mediastinum.
dead space see dead space.
epidural space the space between the dura mater and the lining of the spinal canal.
intercostal space the space between two adjacent ribs.
interpleural space mediastinum.
interproximal space (interproximate space) the space between the proximal surfaces of adjoining teeth; called also proximal or proximate space.
intervillous space the space of the placenta into which the chorionic villi project and through which the maternal blood circulates.
lymph s's open spaces filled with lymph in connective or other tissue, especially in the brain and meninges.
Meckel's space a recess in the dura mater that lodges the trigeminal ganglion.
mediastinal space mediastinum.
medullary space the central cavity and the intervals between the trabeculae of bone that contain the marrow.
palmar space a large fascial space in the hand, divided by a fibrous septum into a midpalmar and a thenar space.
parasinoidal s's spaces in the dura mater along the superior sagittal sinus which receive the venous blood.
perivascular space a lymph space within the walls of an artery.
plantar space a fascial space on the sole of the foot, divided by septa into the lateral, middle, and median plantar spaces.
pneumatic space a portion of bone occupied by air-containing cells, especially the spaces constituting the paranasal sinuses.
proximal space (proximate space) interproximal space.
retroperitoneal space the space between the peritoneum and the posterior abdominal wall.
retropharyngeal space the space behind the pharynx, containing areolar tissue.
subarachnoid space the space between the arachnoid and the pia mater, containing cerebrospinal fluid.
subdural space a narrow fluid-containing space, often only a potential space, between the dura mater and the arachnoid.
subphrenic space the space between the diaphragm and underlying organs.
subumbilical space somewhat triangular space in the body cavity beneath the umbilicus.
Tenon's space a lymph space between the sclera and Tenon's capsule.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


(spās), [TA]
Any demarcated portion of the body, either an area of the surface, a segment of the tissues, or a cavity.
See also: area, region, zone.
Synonym(s): spatium [TA]
[L. spatium, room, space]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A particular area, extent, or cavity of the body.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Vox populi A limited or confined area. See Confined space, Cyberspace, Danger space, Dead space, Deep fascial space, Fuzzy space, File space, Intercostal space, Interdigital space, Paraglottic space, Preepiglottic space, Reinke space, Sample space.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(spās) [TA]
1. Any demarcated portion of the body, either an area of the surface, a segment of the tissues, or a cavity.
See also: area, region, zone
2. dentistry Synonym(s): diastema. Synonym(s): spatium [TA] .
[L. spatium, room, space]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. An area or a cavity within the body.
2. A limited area, usually three dimensional.
Berger's postlenticular space A space between the posterior surface of the crystalline lens and the hyaloid fossa of the vitreous. The space is believed to be filled with aqueous humour. Syn. retrolental space of Berger.
colour sp. A two- or three-dimensional representation of colour stimuli. Example: CIE chromaticity diagram.
gaussian space See paraxial region.
horopter space The horopter consisting of all object points in space which stimulate corresponding retinal points as distinguished from the two-dimensional cases such as the apparent frontoparallel plane, longitudinal or nonius horopters.
image space Region on one side of an optical system in which the image is formed. See object space.
intertrabecular space See trabecular meshwork.
object space Region on one side of an optical system or a lens in which the object is situated. See image space.
Panum's fusional space An area in space corresponding to Panum's area within which there is fusion and stereopsis of a non-fixated target. See Panum's area; horopter.
perichoroidal space See suprachoroidal space.
suprachoroidal space A potential space located between the choroid and the sclera. Anteriorly it is continuous with the supraciliary space. It contains thin, pigmented strands of collagen fibres and it is traversed by the long and short posterior ciliary arteries and nerves. Syn. perichoroidal space.
supraciliary space A potential space located between the ciliary body and the sclera. In this space are thin strands of collagen fibres derived partly from the suprachoroid and partly from layers of the ciliary muscle. This space together with the suprachoroidal space form part of the unconventional route of aqueous humour outflow, the uveoscleral pathway. See uveoscleral pathway.
Millodot: Dictionary of Optometry and Visual Science, 7th edition. © 2009 Butterworth-Heinemann


(spās) [TA]
Any demarcated body portion, either surface area, tissue segment, or cavity.
See also: region
[L. spatium, room, space]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

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