Medical term:
(ster'ē-ō-tak'sē),A precise method of identifying nonvisualized anatomic structures by use of three-dimensional coordinates; more frequently used for brain and spinal surgery.
Synonym(s): stereotactic surgery, stereotaxic surgery, stereotaxis (3)
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(ster'ē-ō-tak'sē)A precise method of destroying deep-seated brain structures located by use of three-dimensional coordinates.
Synonym(s): stereoencephalotomy, stereotactic surgery, stereotaxic surgery, stereotaxis (3) .
Synonym(s): stereoencephalotomy, stereotactic surgery, stereotaxic surgery, stereotaxis (3) .
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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