Medical term:



Causing a decrease in viscosity by dilution, including by chemical means, as by the addition of a solvent, or by mechanical means, as in shear thinning.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


ideational mental activity (in contrast to emotional activity); the flow of ideas, symbols, and associations that brings forth concepts and reasons.
autistic thinking self-absorption; preoccupation with inner thoughts, daydreams, fantasies, delusions, drives, and personal logic. It is egocentric, subjective thinking lacking objectivity and preferring a narcissistic, inner, private reality to that with external validity. Used interchangeably with dereistic thinking, although differing in emphasis. Called also autism.
critical thinking a style of reasoning that involves a complex process of reflection and analysis. See accompanying table.
dereistic thinking thinking not in accordance with the facts of reality and experience and following illogical, idiosyncratic reasoning. Used interchangeably with autistic thinking, although not an exact synonym: dereistic emphasizes disconnection from reality and autistic emphasizes preoccupation with inner experience. Called also dereism.
magical thinking that characterized by the belief that thinking or wishing something can cause it to occur.
primary process thinking in psychoanalytic theory, primitive thought processes deriving from the id and marked by illogical form, preverbal content, an emphasis on immediate wish fulfillment, and an equating of thought and action. Such processes are characteristic of childhood and of dreams.
secondary process thinking in psychoanalytic theory, the more sophisticated thought processes, based on logic, obeying the rules of causality, and consistent with external reality. Such processes are characteristic of mature conscious thought.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The act of reasoning.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Vox populi Cognition; mental evaluation, weighing or consideration. See Concrete thinking, Distorted thinking, Holistic thinking, Magical thinking, Sequential thinking.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The act of reasoning.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about thinking

Q. what do you think the reason would be? As per the latest statistics that 2 out of 150 kids born in the U.S. has autism, and the incidence rate is increasing, what do you think the reason would be?

A. The actual statistics is not 2 out of 150. It is 1 out of 150. I don't think autism is increasing, I think more children are being labeled as autistic - the condition is more well known than it was 20 years ago.

Q. what can I do if I think he/she is in trouble with drugs? If a person is a family member, a friend or a work colleague, what can I do if I think he/she is in trouble with drugs?

A. Whether this person is a family member, a friend or a work colleague, it would be very helpful if you are able to offer your support to them. That's really important. Then the individual needn't feel that he or she has to tackle this problem on their own. Most people with a drug problem have already tried that - and usually it has never worked. Then - the main thing you can do for anyone who's in trouble with drugs is to encourage him or her to ask for help. Remember - you can’t FORCE this person to do anything, but you can encourage him or her to find professional help. We would suggest that you: Talk to the person when he or she is sober or straight. Try to talk in calm, caring manner and indicate your support. Tell them that - if they would like you to - you're willing to help in any way you can. Remember - shouting doesn't help. If your support is rejected, then try not to be upset. Maybe he or she is just not ready yet to do anything about their drug use.

Q. Why do they think that the pain is all in my head? Is there any chance which may wrongfully lead doctor to conclude that our symptoms are of a psychological nature? Why do they think that the pain is all in my head?

A. It may happen very rarely and if he is new to his profession. It doesn’t mean that all those are new to their profession does these mistakes. Doctors cannot "see" and may not understand the sources of your pain or fatigue. However, what they do observe is your anxiety and frustration with having to deal with these symptoms around-the-clock, which may wrongfully lead them to conclude that your symptoms are of a psychological nature. Also, the old school of thought regarding pain is that it is produced by tissue injury, and there is no obvious source of tissue injury in patients with fibromyalgia. Regardless, if your doctor does not believe that your symptoms are real, you owe it to yourself to find another doctor who believes in you and will work with you to help reduce your symptoms.

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