Medical term:



formation, development, or presence of a thrombus; this can happen whenever the flow of blood in arteries or veins is impeded. Many factors can interfere with normal blood flow: heart failure or physical inactivity may retard circulation generally; a change in the shape or inner surface of a vessel wall may impede blood flow, as in atherosclerosis; a mass may grow inside the body and exert pressure on a vessel; the vessel wall may be injured and roughened by an accident, surgery, a burn, cold, inflammation, or infection; or the blood may thicken in reaction to the presence of a foreign serum or snake venom. adj., adj thrombot´ic.

Sometimes a thrombus detaches itself from the wall and is carried along by the bloodstream. Such a clot is called an embolus, and the condition is known as embolism. A thrombus may form in the heart chambers, such as after coronary thrombosis (see below) at the place where the wall of the heart is weakened, or in the dilated atria in a case of mitral stenosis. Because blood normally flows more slowly through the veins than through the arteries, thrombosis is more common in veins than in arteries.
Venous Thrombosis. This occurs most often in the legs or pelvis; it may be a complication of phlebitis, result from injury to a vein, or occur with prolonged bed rest. The symptoms—a feeling of heaviness, pain, warmth, or swelling in the affected part, and sometimes chills and fever—do not necessarily indicate its severity. Immediate medical attention is necessary in any case. Under no circumstances should the affected limb be massaged.

In thrombosis of superficial veins, bed rest with legs elevated and application of heat to the affected area may be all that is necessary. In thrombosis of deep veins, the affected part must be immobilized to prevent the clot from spreading or turning into an embolus, and anticoagulant drugs may be given. With proper treatment, recovery occurs within a short time unless an embolism develops. Practice management guidelines for venous thromboembolism in trauma patients note that a vena cava filter should be considered in patients at high risk who are not candidates for anticoagulants.
Prevention of Venous Thrombosis. Immobility is a prime factor in the development of thrombosis; hence, all patients should be mobilized as soon as possible after surgery or an illness that requires bed rest or produces paralysis. Those who cannot get out of bed should follow an exercise routine involving either active or passive motion of the extremities.  dehydration also plays a role in the development of thrombosis, and the patient should be kept well hydrated. The use of sequential compression devices, such as graded elastic stockings or automated devices providing intermittent compression to the legs, are widely used and accepted, but there are few clinical studies related to their use. They probably play a role in the prevention of stasis and should be combined with other methods to prevent thromboembolism. Clinical guidelines also support the use of low molecular weight heparin for patients at high risk when the bleeding risk is not considered a problem.
Arterial Thrombosis. The main types of arterial thrombosis are related to arteriosclerosis, although thrombosis can also result from infection or from injury to an artery. Arteriosclerosis may be hereditary or may be brought on by diabetes mellitus. Coronary thrombosis, arterial thrombosis in a coronary artery, is a complication of coronary atherosclerosis. A thrombus in one of these arteries will block part of the blood supply to the heart muscle and cause severe myocardial infarction, which is a medical emergency. Cerebral thrombosis is arterial thrombosis in one of the cerebral arteries; the thrombus obstructs the supply of blood to the brain and results in stroke syndrome. Causes include hardening of the cerebral arteries, hypertension, complications of syphilis or other infections, dehydration, diabetes mellitus, or a violent injury.

In advanced cases of arteriosclerosis, a thrombus may fill up whatever channel remains through a vessel, completely blocking off circulation and causing gangrene. This occurs most frequently in arteries of the legs and is called peripheral thrombosis. The onset, often sudden, is characterized by either a tingling feeling or numbness and coldness in the limb. Pain is not always present. Immediate treatment with anticoagulants is necessary to discourage clotting. If this is not effective, surgery may be required. This condition is most common in the elderly and in diabetics. There are now methods of treatment that may save the limb, such as surgical removal of a thrombus or embolus, or surgery of blood vessels to remove old, narrowed, or deteriorated vessels and replace them with grafts.
cerebral thrombosis arterial thrombosis of a cerebral vessel, which may cause stroke syndrome; see also thrombosis.
coronary thrombosis arterial thrombosis in a coronary artery, which may cause myocardial infarction. See also thrombosis.
deep venous thrombosis (DVT) venous thrombosis of one or more of the deep veins of the lower limb, characterized by swelling, warmth, and erythema; it is frequently a precursor of a pulmonary embolism. See also thrombosis.
venous thrombosis phlebothrombosis.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


, pl.


(throm-bō'sis, -sēz),
1. Formation or presence of a thrombus.
2. Clotting within a blood vessel that may cause infarction of tissues supplied by the vessel.
[G. thrombōsis, a clotting, fr. thrombos, clot]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n. pl. thrombo·ses (-sēz)
The formation, presence, or development of a thrombus.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


The formation of one or more blood clots or thrombi. See Coronary thrombosis, Deep vein thrombosis, Effort thrombosis, Late-stent thrombosis, Protein C deficiency, Pulmonary thromboembolism.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


, pl. thromboses (throm-bō'sis, -sēz)
Formation or presence of a thrombus; clotting within a blood vessel that may cause infarction of tissues supplied by the vessel.
[G. thrombōsis, a clotting, fr. thrombos, clot]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Clotting of blood within an artery or vein so that the blood flow is reduced or impeded. If the vessel is supplying a vital part, such as the heart muscle or the brain, and the thrombosis cuts off the flow, the result may be fatal. Thrombosis of arteries supplying limbs or organs may lead to GANGRENE. See also CORONARY THROMBOSIS and CEREBRAL THROMBOSIS.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


the formation of a clot of blood in a blood vessel.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


Formation of a clot in the blood that either blocks, or partially blocks a blood vessel. The thrombus may lead to infarction, or death of tissue, due to a blocked blood supply.
Mentioned in: Arterial Embolism, Coagulation Disorders, Coronary Stenting, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Gangrene, Hypercoagulation Disorders, Pulmonary Embolism
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


, pl. thromboses (throm-bō'sis, -sēz)
1. Formation or presence of a thrombus.
2. Clotting within a blood vessel that may cause infarction of tissues supplied by vessel.
[G. thrombōsis, a clotting, fr. thrombos, clot]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about thrombosis

Q. How can I prevent blood clots? I am 45 years old and am supposed to go on a business trip overseas. The flight itself is 12 hours long and then I have to continue traveling by bus. Could this cause me to have blood clots? If so, how can I prevent it?

A. Always walk as much as you can on the plane. Also, rotate your ankels in circles. Sometimes try to use your ankels and make the alphabet with them. Have fun..

Q. Are long flights dangerous? I'm flying next week to my vacation, and the flight is going to be rather long (almost 16 hours non-stop). Several years ago, my 75 years-old aunt had blood clot in her lung after a flight of similar length. I also heard that during flight the blood in the legs clots and that it can cause after that problems with the lungs and breathing. Does this mean it's dangerous for me to fly? Should I change my ticket to shorter connection flights?

A. Do other relatives of yours have blood clotting problems too, like your aunt? You should tell a doctor about the problem your aunt had and ask if it's genetic.

More discussions about thrombosis
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