Medical term:



inflammation of the cervix uteri.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane, frequently involving also the deeper structures, of the cervix uteri.
Synonym(s): trachelitis
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Inflammation of the mucous membrane, frequently involving also the deeper structures, of the cervix of the uterus.
Synonym(s): trachelitis.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about trachelitis

Q. How will my cervical muscu look like if am just few days prgenant like 12days How will my cervical mucus look like if am just few days pregnant because i have not seen my period for two days now.

A. i read that cervical mucus changes when ovulation occurs, becoming more "fluid". raising the chances of getting pregnant. but i don't recall seeing anything about changes during pregnancy...maybe one of the women in the site can light that point.

Q. I have hurt my cervical spine and shoulder in a rear end car crash in July. Why does it still hurt?

A. Spine and back injuries are known to to be causing a lot of pain and discomfort and for a long period of time. You should try and do some mellow exercise and physiotherapy that might help you a lot. If the pain is unbarable, you should consult your doctor about using pain medications.

Q. what does c4-5 mild central disk bulging impinging upon cervical cord without spinal stenosis or distortion of the cord . mild righ neural foraminal narrowing from uncovertebral joint hypertropy mean

A. Well this basically means there is a very small narrowing of the cervical (your neck area) spinal canal (where the spinal cord is), however the narrowing does not cause any damage to the spinal cord, therefore probably does not cause any major symptoms involving the nerves. The c4-5 bulging part refers to the part in between the two cervical vertebras c4 and c5, in which the disc (a part in the spinal cord) is sliding a bit side-ways, but again, it does not seem to be causing any trouble.

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