Medical term:



1. (trans´plant) an organ or tissue taken from the body and grafted into another area of the same individual or another individual.
2. (trans-plant´) to transfer tissue from one part to another or from one individual to another. See also transplantation.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. To transfer from one part to another, as in grafting and transplantation.
See also: graft.
2. The tissue or organ in grafting and transplantation.
See also: graft.
[trans- + L. planto, to plant]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


v. trans·planted, trans·planting, trans·plants
1. To uproot and replant (a growing plant).
2. Medicine
a. To transfer (tissue, a body structure, or an organ) from one body to another body or from one part of the body to another part.
b. To transfer (tissue, a body structure, or an organ) from an animal or cadaver to a person.
To be capable of being transplanted: plants that transplant well.
n. (trăns′plănt′)
Something that is transplanted, especially:
a. A plant that has been uprooted and replanted in another place.
b. Medicine An organ, body part, or other tissue that has been transplanted, as from one person to another.

trans·plant′a·ble adj.
trans′plan·ta′tion n.
trans·plant′er n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


1. Any organ or tissue that has been transplanted. See Corneal transplant, Domino liver transplant, Fetal mesencephalic tissue transplant, Laryngeal nerve transplant, Solid organ transplant.
2. The process of transplanting an organ or tissue; transplantation verb To transplant an organ or tissue.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(trans-plant, transplant)
1. To transfer from one part to another, as in grafting and transplantation.
2. The tissue or organ in grafting and transplantation.
See also: graft
[trans- + L. planto, to plant]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


(trans-plant, transplant)
1. To transfer from one part to another, as in grafting and transplantation.
2. The tissue or organ in grafting and transplantation.
See also: graft
[trans- + L. planto, to plant]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about transplant

Q. What is a bone marrow transplant? I wanted to enter myself as a potential bone marrow donor and wanted to know first of all what bone marrow is? What does a bone marrow transplant mean and how is it done?

A. Bone marrow is a soft, fatty tissue inside the bones. This is where blood cells are produced, and where they develop. Transplanted bone marrow will restore production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Donated bone marrow must match the patient's tissue type. It can be taken from the patient, a living relative (usually a brother or a sister), or from an unrelated donor. Donors are matched through special blood tests called HLA tissue typing. Bone marrow is taken from the donor in the operating room while the donor is unconscious and pain-free (under general anesthesia). Some of the donor's bone marrow is removed from the top of the hip bone. The bone marrow is filtered, treated, and transplanted immediately or frozen and stored for later use. Transplant marrow is transfused into the patient through a vein (IV) and is naturally carried into the bone cavities where it grows to replace the old bone marrow.

Q. Has anyone had experience with a corneal transplant because of keratoconus?

A. my uncle had to do a transplant- it took 5 weeks until he could see anything , another year to get his vision straightened up. but now he is fine! i know that he looked for information in the "National Keratoconus Foundation". they were very helpful (and nice!), they have a website with information on all forms of treatment:

good luck :)

Q. I would like to know what it takes to get on a liver transplant list.. I have been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. I have been clean and sober now over 2 years... I have also been hospitalized more times than i don't like talking about but I have been admitted for high amounts of ammonia levels, low blood pressure, and dehydration

A. Thank you for your answer. At my next GI appointment, the doctors told me that to have someone else that i'd like to be there at which time he will explain it all to me and either my brother or sister because i've have been admitted so many times because of ammonia levels, my brain has hardly no memory left. Let's all with this disease stick together.

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