Medical term:
[tri´ad]1. an element with a valence of three.
2. a group of three similar bodies, or a complex composed of three items or units.
acute compression triad Beck's triad.
Andersen's triad Andersen's syndrome.
Beck's triad rising venous pressure, falling arterial pressure, and small quiet heart; characteristic of cardiac compression; called also acute compression triad.
Cushing's triad decreased pulse, increased blood pressure, and a widening pulse pressure associated with increased intracranial pressure; it is a late clinical sign and may indicate brainstem herniation.
Hutchinson's triad diffuse interstitial keratitis, labyrinthine disease, and Hutchinson's teeth, seen in congenital syphilis.
Saint's triad hiatus hernia, colonic diverticula, and cholelithiasis.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
(trī'ad),1. A collection of three things having something in common.
2. The transverse tubule and the terminal cisternae on each side of it in skeletal muscle fibers.
3. Synonym(s): portal triad
4. The father, mother, and child relationship projectively experienced in group psychotherapy.
[G. trias (triad-), the number 3, fr. treis, three]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
MedspeakA trilogy of clinical or pathologic findings, first described as typical for a particular disease but which often prove nonspecific.
Three people, two of one sex and one of the other, in a continuing relationship of emotional and sexual involvement; i.e., a threesome with an emotional component.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
A trilogy of clinical or pathologic findings, first described as typical fora particular disease, which often prove to be nonspecific. See Asthma triad, Autonomic triad, Behçet's triad, Carney's triad, Christian's triad, Charcot's triad, Epidemiologic triad, Female athlete triad, Hemochromatosis triad, Lennox's triad, Negative triad, Petit's triad, Renal cell carcinoma triad, Saint's triad, Somatostatinoma triad, Toxoplasmosis triad, Trotter's triad, Virchow's triad, Waterhouse-Friderichsen triad, Whipple's triad, Wilson's triad.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(trī'ad)1. A group of three things with something in common.
2. The transverse tubule and the terminal cisternae on each side of it in skeletal muscle fibers.
3. Synonym(s): portal triad.
4. psychology/psychiatry The father-mother-child relationship projectively experienced in group psychotherapy.
[G. trias (triad-), the number 3, fr. treis, three]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
(trī'ad)1. A collection of three things with something in common.
2. The transverse tubule and the terminal cisternae on each side of it in skeletal muscle fibers.
[G. trias (triad-), the number 3, fr. treis, three]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
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