Medical term:



forcible ejection of contents of stomach through the mouth. Called also emesis and regurgitation.
cyclic vomiting recurring attacks of vomiting.
dry vomiting attempts at vomiting, with the ejection of nothing but gas.
pernicious vomiting (vomiting of pregnancy) hyperemesis gravidarum.
projectile vomiting vomiting with the material ejected with great force; seen commonly in congenital pyloric obstruction.
stercoraceous vomiting vomiting of fecal matter.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The ejection of matter from the stomach in retrograde fashion through the esophagus and mouth.
Synonym(s): emesis (1) , vomition, vomitus (1)
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The act of ejecting vomitus. See Projectile vomiting.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The ejection of matter from the stomach through the esophagus and mouth.
Synonym(s): emesis (1) , regurgitation (2) .
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Involuntary upward expulsion of the stomach contents. Vomiting is prompted by the presence of vomit-stimulating substances in the blood and effected by sudden, forceful downward movement of the DIAPHRAGM and inward movement of the abdominal wall. The stomach wall muscle plays no part.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


Ejection of matter from stomach in retrograde fashion through the esophagus and mouth.
Synonym(s): emesis (1) , vomitus (1) .
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about vomiting

Q. I'm scared to be pregnant... vomiting and to give birth...Please tell me it's fine!!

A. since how long are you pregnant? it seems that it just started. if you vomit a lot it is imperative that you drink enough water - still water like Vitel, Vichy, L'eau d'Evian that you get in your country and find bottles in glass - not in plastic! Plastic is anorganic and can't be assimilated in our bodies. there is no reason to be scared if you vomit. this means that you don't drink enough water. i know this. believe me and you will see that in the next days you will not vomit anymore. just keep me informed please!

Q. Dizziness and vomiting after a car accident, what can it be? Two days ago I was in a car accident and a car rear ended me. I went to the emergency room and was checked up and was discharged saying all is ok. Following the next morning I woke up and the whole room was spinning. I feel nauseous and find it hard to do daily activities. What do I have?

A. It could be Vertigo. The sudden onset of vertigo usually indicates a peripheral vestibular disorder.
Symptoms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) usually last a few seconds to a few minutes and are intermittent (i.e., come and go). They also may include lightheadedness, imbalance, and nausea, usually as a result of a change in position (e.g., rolling over in bed, getting out of bed). Please consult your GP about these symptoms.

Q. my friend recently told me that she throws up from time to time and it helps her balance her weight I told her I think that’s what bulimic girls do, but she insisted that it wasn’t something she can’t control or that comes after eating bursts (which she doesn’t have). It still seems wrong to me, but I would like to hear other’s opinions.

A. bolimic girls try to avoid eating. then they get so frustrated that they eat like crazy and then feel guilty and threw ups. it's a bad condition that needs to and can be treated.

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