Medical term:
[wort]A wart develops between 1 and 8 months after the virus becomes lodged in the skin. The virus is often spread by scratching, rubbing, and slight razor cuts. In more than half the cases, warts disappear without treatment, but some remain for years.
, pl.ver·ru·cae
(vĕ-rū'kă, -kē),wart
Verruca Dermatology A typically rough round or oval raised bump on mucocutaneous surfaces that may be lighter or darker than the surrounding normal skin, skin colored or rarely black induced by papovaviruses, and single most common reason for dermatologic consultation; warts are most common in children and adolescents, and rarely develop de novo in adults Types Common wart–verruca vulgaris, filiform wart, plantar wart, juvenile flat wart Location Anyplace, most common on hands, feet–plantar wart, around and under the fingernails or toenails–periungual or subungual warts–very difficult to treat, face; numerous very small smooth flat warts–pinhead size often in large numbers on children's faces, foreheads, arms and legs are called verrucae planae juvenili Clinical Ranges from spontaneous involution, common in flat warts to extreme recalcitrance, typical of periungual and moist plantar warts; plantar warts are identical to common warts but, because of their location on the soles of the feet, they can become extremely painful, especially if they are numerous, compromising running and walking; dermatologic consult is usually triggered by cosmetic considerations; genital/venereal warts are located on the genitals and are sexually transmitted Management 'Benign neglect' and 'abracadabra therapy' are most effective in young children–implying a component of biofeedback control of the immune system, chemocautery–5-20% formalin, phenol-nitric acid-salicylic acid, podophyllin, electrodissection, X-ray–narrow field, low dose, rarely used; DCNB immunotherapy Prognosis Recurrence is common, as is spontaneous involution within 2 years. See Genital wart, HPV, Mosaic wart, Musician's wart, Prosector's wart.ver·ru·ca
, pl. verrucae (vĕr-ū'kă, -kē)Compare: verruga peruana
Synonym(s): verruga, wart.
(wort)common wart
Verruca vulgaris.illustrationgenital wart
A variety of therapies, including topically applied chemicals such as podophyllin (10% to 25% in compound tincture of benzoine), trichloroacetic acid, or dichloroacetic acid usually remove small warts; other treatments include CO2 laser therapy, cryosurgery, electrocautery, 5-fluorouracil, imiquimod, and recombinant interferon alfa-2a. Nevertheless, there is no completely safe and effective therapy available for genital warts.
Patient care
A history is obtained for unprotected sexual contact with a partner with known infection, a new partner, or multiple partners. Standard precautions are used to examine the patient, to collect a specimen, or to perform associated procedures. The health care professional inspects the genitalia for warts growing on the moist genital surfaces, such as the subpreputial sac, the urethral meatus, and less commonly, the penile shaft or scrotum in male patients and the vulva and vaginal and cervical wall in female patients. Multiple warts have a cauliflower-like appearance. The patient usually reports no other symptoms, as the warts are generally painless, but a few complain of itching and pain. Diagnosis usually is made by visual inspection, but darkfield examination of wart cell scrapings may be used to differentiate HPV warts from those associated with second-stage syphilis. Biopsy is indicated if cancer is suspected. A nonthreatening, nonjudgmental atmosphere is provided to encourage the patient to verbalize feelings about perceived changes in sexual behavior and body image. Sexual abstinence or condom use during intercourse is recommended until healing is complete. The patient must inform sexual partners about the risk for genital warts and the need for evaluation. The patient should be tested for human immunodeficiency virus and for other sexually transmitted diseases. Genital warts can recur and the virus can mutate, causing warts of a different strain. The patient should report for weekly treatment until all warts are removed and then schedule a checkup for 3 months after all warts have disappeared. If podophyllin is applied, the patient is taught to remove it with soap and water 4 to 6 hrs after the application. Female patients should have a Papanicolaou test on a schedule recommended by their health care providers.
plantar wart
seborrheic wart
Seborrheic keratosis.venereal wart
Genital wart.ver·ru·ca
, pl. verrucae (vĕr-ū'kă, -kē)Synonym(s): wart.
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