Medical term:



Nematode genus found in the intestine of several simian species in Africa, India, and Indonesia, and in humans in parts of Africa; differentiated from hookworms by the anteriorly directed buccal capsule guarded by a double crown of stout bristles; ternidens inhabit the wall of the large bowel, where they may produce cystic nodules.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Nematode genus found in the intestine of several simian species in Africa, India, and Indonesia, and in humans in parts of Africa; differentiated from hookworms by the anteriorly directed buccal capsule guarded by a double crown of stout bristles; they inhabit the wall of the large bowel, where they may produce cystic nodules.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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