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a painful nodule formed in the skin by circumscribed inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, enclosing a central slough or “core.” Called also furuncle. Boils occur most frequently on the neck and buttocks, although they may develop wherever friction or irritation, or a scratch or break in the skin, allows the bacteria resident on the surface to penetrate the outer layer of the skin. A carbuncle is a group of interconnected boils arising in a cluster of hair follicles.
Cause. Most boils and carbuncles are caused by Staphylococcus aureus. When these bacteria gain entrance to the skin, the infection settles in the hair follicles or the sebaceous glands. To combat the infection, large numbers of leukocytes travel to the site and attack the invading bacteria. Some bacteria and white cells are killed and they and their liquefied products form pus. The body's defenses may succeed in overcoming the invaders so that the boil subsides by itself, or the pus may build up pressure against the skin surface so that it ruptures, drains, and heals.

Boils most often afflict healthy persons but occasionally their appearance is a sign that the resistance is low, usually as the result of poor nutrition or illness. Patients with recurrent boils should be suspected of being chronic staphylococcal carriers. The nose is the most common carriage site.
Treatment. In most cases a single boil is not serious and will respond to incision and drainage. Systemic antibiotics are also sometimes indicated. Although complications are rare, a boil on or above the upper lip, on the nose or scalp, or in the outer ear can be serious because in these areas infection has easy access to the brain. Other danger zones are the armpit, the groin, and the breast of a woman who is nursing. If bacteria from a boil enter the bloodstream, septicemia may result (see blood poisoning).
gum boil parulis.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A localized pyogenic infection, most frequently by Staphylococcus aureus, originating deep in a hair follicle.
Synonym(s): boil, furunculus
[L. furunculus, a petty thief]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


noun A painful, inflamed, circumscribed, often staphylococcal skin infection with pus and blood and a central fibrous mass of necrotic tissue (core); if there are multiple cores, it is a carbuncle. So-called blind boils suppurate imperfectly, or fail to come to a head.
Clinical findings
Tender to painful, pea-sized or greater, swollen hot red nodule, which may ooze pus or weep.
Warm, wet compresses; oral or topical antibiotics; drainage as needed.
Complicating factors
Cancer, diabetes, immunosuppressants.

verb To heat to a boiling point, or cause ebullition; as in, to boil water.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Infectious disease noun A painful, inflamed, circumscribed, often staphylococcal skin infection with pus and blood and a central fibrous mass of dead tissue, aka core; if multiple, a carbuncle; so-called blind boils suppurate imperfectly, or fail to come to a head Clinical Tender pea-sized or greater, red nodule, which may ooze pus or weep Management Warm, wet compresses; oral or topical antibiotics Complicating factors CA, DM, immunosuppressants. See Dehli boil verb To heat to a boiling point, or cause ebullition; as, to boil water.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(boyl) [AS. byl, a swelling]
Enlarge picture
A tender, dome-shaped skin lesion, typically caused by infection around a hair follicle with Staphylococcus aureus. Boils usually arise on the face, neck, axilla, or buttocks (i.e., on body surfaces that frequently perspire and chafe). When they first appear they are often superficial, but as they mature they form localized abscesses with pus and necrotic debris at their core. On rare occasions they spread to deeper tissues, sometimes with tragic consequences (e.g., a boil on the neck or face may spread to the brain or meninges). Synonym: furuncle See: illustration; carbuncle


Warm moist compresses relieve pain and encourage drainage of the infected nodule to the skin surface. Oral antistaphylococcal antibiotics, such as trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or clindamycin, are given when the lesion is surrounded by local cellulitis. Incision and drainage is sometimes needed.

Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners


An infection of a hair follicle which has progressed to abscess formation. Most boils are caused by STAPHYLOCOCCAL infection. A stye is a small boil in a lash follicle.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


A localized pyogenic infection, originating deep in a hair follicle.
Synonym(s): boil.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about boil

Q. how do i get rid of boils I have been plagued by boils for about 3 to 4 years now, i get a boil, go to the doctor, get antibiotics, take them for 10 days, and about a week later the boils are back. I came accoss this site a week ago and learned about (turmeric) i purchased some, i've been taking it and i still manage to get more boils, i have one existing boil right now and a new one is forming please help because i don't have health insurance and it cost to much to keep going to the doctor and getting medicine for boils only to have the boils occur back in a weeks time please help, demario y

A. Have you ever consulted a dermatologist (a doctor that specialize in skin problems)? He or she may diagnose the problem more accurately and address it better. What you describe may be acne or other disease that are treated by such doctors.

Anyway, you can find several suggestions about preventing boils here ( and here (

Q. hey how about having brown rice in place of white or boiled rice…….?

A. Brown rice is a good carb, plus I personally think it tastes delicious.

Q. what should i do if i got burned from boiling water? how should i take care of my self? will i get a scar?

A. ooooOOOooo! i hope you are asking a hypothetic question... a friend wife of mine still got scars from a boiling water accident a few years back. anyway, here is a site that gives instructions on how to react after burns. boiling water is probably second degree burns:

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