Medical term:
(chīld'hud),The period of life between infancy and puberty.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
The period of development between infancy and puberty.Legal (US) definition
The period of development until the 18th birthday.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Pediatrics The period of development between infancy and puberty Forensic definition The period of development until the 18th birthdayMcGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(chīld'hud)The period of life between infancy and puberty.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about childhood
Q. How many types of childhood leukemia are there? My friend's 3 year old son, Jacob, was just diagnosed with Leukemia. I haven't been able to talk to her as she is with him in the hospital - he is starting chemo today. I just wondered how many types are there and which ones are most likely curable? Thank you!
A. ALL is the most common in children and most cureable in them.
AML is less common in children, and harder to get rid of in them.
There are several varieties of both, but those are the two general categories.
CML is very rare in children.
See the leukemia/lymphoma society website for excellent information about them all:
AML is less common in children, and harder to get rid of in them.
There are several varieties of both, but those are the two general categories.
CML is very rare in children.
See the leukemia/lymphoma society website for excellent information about them all:
Q. What is childhood autism exactly?
A. i'm sorry to say but probably's a pretty severe diagnosis. but i'm no expert on the subject and not a prophet. about what it means later in life- this should be fronted to a professional.
god bless.
god bless.
Q. What is the most common preventable cause of childhood development delay?
A. The most common cause of severe developmental delay (essentially mental retardation) is genetic abnormalities (or more accurately, cytogenetic abnormalities due to abnormal chromosomes). Other cause include damage during the pregnancy such as infections or serious diseases in the mother, damage (such as choking or insufficient blood supply to the fetus) during labor and metabolic diseases such as PKU or hypothyroididsm that affect young babies.
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