Medical term:



1. the formation of a cup-shaped depression.
2. percussion (def. 2).
3. the application of heated cups to the skin, creating suction. It is used in some cultures to treat headache, fever, chills, back pain, and similar complaints.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Formation of a hollow, or cup-shaped excavation.
See also: cup.
2. Application of a cupping glass.
See also: cup.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A treatment in which evacuated glass cups are applied to intact or scarified skin in order to draw blood toward or through the surface. It was used for disorders associated with an excess of blood, one of the four humors of medieval physiology.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Chinese medicine An ancient Chinese therapeutic method similar to moxabustion, in which a suction cup is applied to flat surfaces of the skin, usually at acupuncture points, or on a meridian; the suction is applied for 5 to 10 minutes, and may be repeated elsewhere. Cf Moxabustion
Massage therapy A technique in which a cupped hand strikes gentle blows on the skin surface, with the intent of increased local circulation
Pediatric imageing A widened, metaphyseal concavity caused by muscular and ligamentous pulling on soft bone, which may occur at the sternal ends of the ribs, the proximal tibia and humerus, and the distal radius and ulna; cupping was first described as radiologic evidence of repeated trauma to the growth plates of long bones and thus is suggestive of child abuse
DiffDx Achondrogenesis, cretinism, congenital syphilis, diastrophic dwarfism, hypervitaminosis A, homocystinuria, hypophosphatasia, infarction, infection, leukemia, metaphyseal dysostosis, phenylketonuria, rickets, scurvy, sickle cell anemia, thanatophoric dwarfism, thermal injury, trauma. See Child abuse
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Pediatric imaging A widened, metaphyseal concavity caused by muscular and ligamentous pulling on soft bone, which may occur at the sternal ends of the ribs, the proximal tibia and humerus, and the distal radius and ulna; cupping was first described as radiologic evidence of repeated trauma to the growth plates of long bones and thus is suggestive of child abuse DiffDx Achondrogenesis, cretinism, congenital syphilis, diastrophic dwarfism, hypervitaminosis A, homocystinuria, hypophosphatasia, infarction, infection, leukemia, metaphyseal dysostosis, phenylketonuria, rickets, scurvy, sickle cell anemia, thanatophoric dwarfism, thermal injury, trauma. See Child abuse.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. Formation of a hollow, or cup-shaped excavation.
2. Application of a cupping glass.
See also: cup
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about cupping

Q. I know I’m supposed to drink 8-10 cups of water a day – but I feel it’s too much for me. I try to drink 8 cups a day but I just can’t continue with it long, I just find myself going to the bathroom every 30 minutes. Any idea?

A. when people thought of this genius theory of drinking 10 cups a day they didn’t take in consideration the amount of water we get from our food, the idea that people working construction need more then 8 cups, that people that work in an air conditioned office and don’t tend to move around too much don’t perspire as well as construction workers. They just took the average data- we loose this amount of water, so we need to replace it. You should listen to your body and not to wise guys.

Q. Is it true that more cups of coffee can help avoid snack attacks?? I love having a snack between meals- but way too much. Is it true that black coffee can replace the feeling that a snack gives and even calm the fake hunger feeling for a while??

A. fruits- not very dietetic but at least healthy. carrots can be a good idea too. if you'll eat healthy snacks during the day you won't eat much at lunch and dinner time.

Q. how many 1. calories 2. good vs bad fat 3. protein does 1 cup of whole milk have compared to 1 cup of almonds?

A. Each almond has 7 calories. A cup of almonds has 680 calories, Total Fat: 60g, out of which 3.9g are Saturated Fat (=bad fat), Carbs: 24g, Protein: 24g.
1 cup of 2% milk has 130 calories, Total Fat: 5g, out of which 3g are Saturated Fat (=bad fat), Carbs: 13g, Protein: 8g.
Here is the nutrition value of different kinds of milk as well:

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