Medical term:



 [da-brēd´] (Fr.)
to remove by débridement.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


, débridement (di-brēd′mĕnt, dā-brēd-mon(t)′ ) [Fr. débrider, to remove a bridle]
The removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue, esp. in a wound. debride, débride (dĕ-brēd′, dā-)

autolytic debridement

A form of enzymatic débridement that uses the body's own enzymes to remove necrotic or nonviable tissue.

canal debridement

The removal of organic and inorganic debris from a dental root canal by mechanical or chemical methods. This procedure is done in preparation for sealing the canal to prevent further decay of the tooth.

enzymatic dbridement

Use of proteolytic enzymes to remove dead tissue from a wound. The enzymes do not attack viable tissues.

epithelial debridement

The removal of the entire epithelial lining or attachment epithelium from a periodontal pocket.

mechanical debridement

The removal of necrotic or devitalized tissue from a wound using friction, hydrotherapy, scraping, or wet-to-dry dressings.

sharp debridement

Removal of necrotic tissue from a wound with a scalpel or a related surgical tool.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners


 [da-brēd´] (Fr.)
to remove by débridement.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


, débridement (di-brēd′mĕnt, dā-brēd-mon(t)′ ) [Fr. débrider, to remove a bridle]
The removal of foreign material and dead or damaged tissue, esp. in a wound. debride, débride (dĕ-brēd′, dā-)

autolytic debridement

A form of enzymatic débridement that uses the body's own enzymes to remove necrotic or nonviable tissue.

canal debridement

The removal of organic and inorganic debris from a dental root canal by mechanical or chemical methods. This procedure is done in preparation for sealing the canal to prevent further decay of the tooth.

enzymatic dbridement

Use of proteolytic enzymes to remove dead tissue from a wound. The enzymes do not attack viable tissues.

epithelial debridement

The removal of the entire epithelial lining or attachment epithelium from a periodontal pocket.

mechanical debridement

The removal of necrotic or devitalized tissue from a wound using friction, hydrotherapy, scraping, or wet-to-dry dressings.

sharp debridement

Removal of necrotic tissue from a wound with a scalpel or a related surgical tool.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

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