Medical term:



1. A cast gold or preformed metal pin placed into a root canal for the purpose of providing retention for a crown.
2. A preformed metal pin placed in a copper-plated die to provide a die stem.
3. A pin or rod that aligns or joins two structures by fitting into holes in both of them; dowels of various materials are used in orthopaedic surgery and dentistry.
4. Synonym(s): dowel graft
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. A cast gold or preformed metal pin placed into a root canal for the purpose of providing retention for a crown.
2. A preformed metal pin placed in a copper-plated die to provide a die stem.
3. A pin or rod that aligns or joins two structures by fitting into holes in both of them; dowels of various materials are used in orthopaedic surgery and dentistry.
4. Synonym(s): dowel graft.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. Cast gold or preformed metal pin placed into root canal to provide retention for a crown.
2. Preformed metal pin placed in a copper-plated die to provide a die stem.
3. Pin or rod that aligns or joins two structures by fitting into holes in both; dowels of various materials are used in orthopedic surgery and dentistry.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

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