Medical term:



any of various neoplasms thought to be derived from embryonic cells or tissues, such as dermoid cysts, teratomas, and embryonal carcinomas.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

em·bry·o·nal tu·mor

, embryonic tumor
a neoplasm, usually malignant, which arises during intrauterine or early postnatal development from an organ rudiment or immature tissue; it forms immature structures characteristic of the part from which it arises, and may form other tissues as well. The term includes neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor, and is also used to include certain neoplasms presenting in later life, this usage being based on the belief that such tumors arise from embryonic rests.
See also: teratoma.
Synonym(s): embryoma
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

em·bry·o·nal tu·mor

, embryonic tumor (em'brē-ōn'ăl tū'mŏr, em'brē-on'ik)
A neoplasm, usually malignant, which arises during intrauterine or early postnatal development from an organ rudiment or immature tissue. It forms immature structures characteristic of the part from which it arises and may form other tissues as well. The term includes neuroblastoma and Wilms tumor and is also used to include certain neoplasms presenting in later life, this usage being based on the belief that such tumors arise from embryonic rests, which are fragments of embryonic tissue that are still present after the embryonic period.
See also: teratoma
Synonym(s): embryoma.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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