Medical term:



Excessive deposition of secondary cementum on the root of a tooth, which may be caused by localized trauma or inflammation, excessive tooth eruption, or osteitis deformans, or may occur idiopathically.
Synonym(s): cementum hyperplasia
[hyper- + L. caementum, a rough quarry stone, + -osis, condition]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Excessive deposition of secondary cementum on the root of a tooth, which may be caused by localized trauma or inflammation, excessive tooth eruption, or osteitis deformans, or may occur idiopathically.
[hyper- + L. caementum, a rough quarry stone, + -osis, condition]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


Excessive deposition of secondary cementum on tooth root, which may be caused by localized trauma or inflammation, excessive tooth eruption, or osteitis deformans, or may occur idiopathically.
Synonym(s): cementum hyperplasia, excementosis.
[hyper- + L. caementum, a rough quarry stone, + -osis, condition]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012

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