Medical term:
(prō-jē'rē-ă), [MIM*176670]A condition of precocious aging with onset at birth or early childhood; characterized by growth retardation, a senile appearance with dry wrinkled skin, total alopecia, and birdlike facies; early occurrence of atherosclerosis in blood vessels and premature death due to coronary artery disease; genetics unclear.
Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford disease, Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, premature senility syndrome
[pro- + G. gēras, old age]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
A rare genetic disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death before the age of 20. Also called Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Pediatrics A condition characterized by rapid premature aging of childhood onset, in which morbidities usually seen in the elderly–eg, ASHD, CAD, cataracts, wrinkled skin, appear during puberty and death from 'old age' occurs by age 20 from heart disease or strokes Clinical Growth failure in 1st yr of life; affected children are small and thin with disproportionately large appearing heads, baldness, wizened narrow faces, and aged skin; congenital progerias–eg, Cockayne syndrome, Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome.McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
(prō-jēr'ē-ă)A condition in which normal development in the first year is followed by gross retardation of growth, with a senile appearance characterized by dry, wrinkled skin, total alopecia, and birdlike facies; genetics unclear.
Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford disease.
Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford disease.
[pro- + G. gēras, old age]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
Premature ageing. There are two types: Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome and Werner's syndrome. In the former, a child of 10 may show all the characteristics of old age-baldness, grey hair, wrinkled skin, loss of body fat and degenerative diseases of the arteries. In the latter, the disease starts in adult life and runs a rapid course over about 10 years. Both types are now believed to result from single spontaneous gene mutations. In HG syndrome the mutation is in the gene coding for lamin A, an important structural protein. In Werner's syndrome the mutation is in a helicase-a gene that unwinds double-strand DNA into two single strands. From the Greek pro , before and geras , old age.Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005
Sir Jonathan, English surgeon and pathologist, 1828-1913.Hutchinson crescentic notch - the semilunar notch on the incisal edge of Hutchinson teeth, encountered in congenital syphilis.
Hutchinson disease - age-related guttate choroiditis.
Hutchinson facies - the peculiar facial expression produced by drooping eyelids and motionless eyes in external ophthalmoplegia.
Hutchinson freckle - a brown or black mottled, irregularly outlined, slowly enlarging lesion. Synonym(s): lentigo maligna
Hutchinson mask - the sensation experienced in tabetic neurosyphilis as if the face were covered with a mask or with cobwebs.
Hutchinson patch - interstitial or parenchymatous keratitis giving rise to neovascularization of the cornea. Synonym(s): salmon patch
Hutchinson pupil - dilation of the pupil on the side of the lesion as part of a third nerve palsy.
Hutchinson teeth - the teeth of congenital syphilis in which the incisal edge is notched and narrower than the cervical area. Synonym(s): notched teeth; screwdriver teeth; syphilitic teeth
Hutchinson triad - parenchymatous keratitis, labyrinthine disease, and Hutchinson teeth, significant of congenital syphilis.
Hutchinson-Gilford disease - a condition in which normal development in the first year is followed by gross retardation of growth, with dry wrinkled skin, total alopecia, and birdlike facies. Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome; progeria
Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome - Synonym(s): Hutchinson-Gilford disease
Medical Eponyms © Farlex 2012
(prō-jēr'ē-ă) [MIM*176670]A condition of precocious aging with onset at birth or early childhood.
[pro- + G. gēras, old age]
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
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