Medical term:



The topographic association of positional relationships of receptors in the body through respective nerve fibers to their terminal distribution in specific functional areas of the cerebral cortex; the continuation of these positional relationships in all stages of the ascent of nerve fibers through the central nervous system enables the brain and spinal cord to function on a basis of spatially designated units.
[somato- + G. topos, place]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


The topographic association of positional relationships of receptors in the body through respective nerve fibers to their terminal distribution in specific functional areas of the cerebral cortex; the continuation of these positional relationships in all stages of the ascent of nerve fibers through the central nervous system enables the brain and spinal cord to function on a basis of spatially designated units.
[somato- + G. topos, place]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

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