Medical term:
(step),1. dentistry a dove-tailed or similarly shaped projection of a cavity prepared in a tooth into a surface perpendicular to the main part of the cavity for the purpose of preventing displacement of the restoration (filling) by the force of mastication.
2. A change in direction resembling a stair-step in a line, a surface, or the construction of a solid body.
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Abbreviation for:serial transverse enteroplasty
Standards Enforcement in Procurement
striatal enriched phosphatase
Surgical Training and Education Programme (STEP course)
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
(step)1. dentistry A dovetailed or similarly shaped projection of a cavity prepared in a tooth into a surface perpendicular to the main part of the cavity for the purpose of preventing displacement of the restoration (filling) by the force of mastication.
2. A change in direction resembling a stairstep in a line, a surface, or the construction of a solid body.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
(step)1. In dentistry, dove-tailed or similarly shaped projection of a cavity prepared in a tooth into a surface perpendicular to main part of cavity to prevent displacement of restoration (filling) by force of mastication.
2. Change in direction resembling a stair-step in a line, surface, or construction of a solid body.
Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions © Farlex 2012
Patient discussion about step
Q. I am alright as of now…….but what steps I can take to prevent it? my dad is bipolar 2 for many years and almost he has led his life as a bipolar …………as it is genetic effect is known…..I too fear myself on the bipolar vestibule …….I am alright as of now…….but what steps I can take to prevent it?
A. Unfortunatley there is no way to prevent bipolar disorder. Until the medical community finds a cause for this illness, we will only be able to treat the symptoms. You can practice a healthy lifestyle of eating well and getting planty of excercise and sleep, but this is no guarentee that you will never develop symptoms of bipolar. The important thing is to be aware of the symptoms, in the event that you develop symptoms of bipolar you can seek help right away. Try not to spend too much time and energy fearing this illness, just be aware and live your life to its fullest. It will do you no good to worry about developing symptoms of bipolar. If you are not suffering any symptoms right now than be greatful and carry on with your life. Stay aware so you can seek help if you do begin developing symptoms. I wish you well.
Q. What steps do you take when your physician says your sodium is low
A. Drugs That May Be Prescribed By Your Doctor for Hyponatremia(low sodium):
Sodium levels must be corrected carefully. If your blood test results indicate you have a very low sodium level, your healthcare provider will cautiously correct the levels, to a "safe level."
Intravenous (IV) fluids with a high-concentration of sodium, and/or diuretics to raise your blood sodium levels.
Loop Diuretics - also known as "water pills" as they work to raise blood sodium levels, by making you urinate out extra fluid. The fluid that is lost (called "free water") is usually replaced with an IV solution that contains a high level of sodium.
A common example of this type of medication is Furosemide (e.g Lasix). You may receive this medication alone or in combination with other medications.
Sodium levels must be corrected carefully. If your blood test results indicate you have a very low sodium level, your healthcare provider will cautiously correct the levels, to a "safe level."
Intravenous (IV) fluids with a high-concentration of sodium, and/or diuretics to raise your blood sodium levels.
Loop Diuretics - also known as "water pills" as they work to raise blood sodium levels, by making you urinate out extra fluid. The fluid that is lost (called "free water") is usually replaced with an IV solution that contains a high level of sodium.
A common example of this type of medication is Furosemide (e.g Lasix). You may receive this medication alone or in combination with other medications.
Q. what are the first steps i should do if my child has been diagnosed with ADHD?
A. There are lots of parent to children with adhd here on imedix. read some questions and answers people wrote- and you can chat with them. I;m sure they'll be lots of help...good luck!
More discussions about stepThis content is provided by iMedix and is subject to iMedix Terms. The Questions and Answers are not endorsed or recommended and are made available by patients, not doctors.
(ste-fā'nē-ăl),Pertaining to the stephanion.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(stĕ-fā'nē-ăl)Pertaining to the stephanion.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
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