Medical term:



Transurethral laser-induced prostatectomy, see there.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


(in-sizh'on) [L. incisio, a cut]
A cut made with a knife, electrosurgical unit, or laser, esp. for surgical purposes.

coronal incision

1. An incision made across the scalp in a plane that separates the front (anterior portion) of the head from the back (posterior portion).
2. A crown-shaped incision.

limbal relaxing incision

Abbreviation: LRI
A surgical treatment for astigmatism in which the cornea is reshaped by placing small cuts in its periphery (the limbus of the cornea). These incisions make the misshapen cornea more spherical, which improves visual clarity.

McBurney incision

See: McBurney, Charles

paramedian incision

A surgical incision, esp. of the abdominal wall, close to the midline.

Pfannenstiel incision

See: Pfannenstiel incision

relaxing incision

A second incision made during surgery to promote drainage, relieve the tension on a wound as it is sutured, or facilitate mobilization of a sliding tissue flap.
Synonym: counterincision; counteropening.

transurethral laser incision of the prostate

Abbreviation: TULIP
The treatment of prostatic hyperplasia with a laser used as a cutting instrument. The laser is inserted into the penile urethra and directed at the diseased portion of the gland.

transurethral laser incision of the prostate

Abbreviation: TULIP
The treatment of prostatic hyperplasia with a laser used as a cutting instrument. The laser is inserted into the penile urethra and directed at the diseased portion of the gland.
See also: incision
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners

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