Medical term:
(wāv'fōrm),The form of a pressure or sound wave, electric stimulus, or pulse; for example, an arterial pressure or displacement wave; or of a sound or pacemaker pulse as demonstrated on an oscilloscope.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
(wāv'fōrm)The form of a pulse (e.g., an arterial pressure or displacement wave), or of the pacemaker pulse as demonstrated on the oscilloscope under a specified load.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012
The shape or the representation of a signal, e.g., in cardiology, the shape of the electrical shock used in cardioversion or defibrillation.
biphasic waveform
A waveform used by some defibrillators that discharges energy in two phases (first positive, then negative). The shock applied by a biphasic defibrillator uses 30-40% less peak current at the same applied energy level than a monophasic defibrillator and is both less injurious to the heart and more likely to terminate ventricular fibrillation.
damped sinusoidal waveform
A defibrillation waveform that rises sharply to a peak voltage and then returns gradually to zero.
monophasic waveform
A waveform used by some defibrillators that delivers a single shock of positive energy to the myocardium.
truncated exponential waveform
A defibrillation waveform that rises sharply to a peak voltage and then is abruptly cut off and returns to zero.
Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners
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